Hey y'all. Sorry it's been awhile. After spring semester, I went back to Michigan for a few days and then I was staying with my family here in Idaho for a month, so I was unable to keep up with everyone. I was staying with family for a month while I was waiting for my new apartment to be ready. It's amazing. For one, it's my first apartment on my own (I do have roommates). I have either always lived with my mom or in the dorms. Plus, it's in a great location. It's like 1 minute from one of my jobs and school and right in downtown Boise. It's also right along the river. Every room in our place has a view of the river. It's so beautiful.
I don't know if I updated on this, but I am no longer nannying. I'm still babysitting a lot, but I got myself a couple new jobs. One is at the hospital I've been trying to get into before I even moved to Idaho. It's also where
toadyjoe works. The other one is at a staffing agency that helps people with disabilities get jobs and coaches them on the job. They are both going really well. The hospital is amazing. I totally love working here (he, he....I'm currently sitting at work with nothing to do).
I am taking 11 credits this summer, so between 2 new jobs and a ton of summer school, life is pretty busy. The good news is that I will get to graduate next year (spring 08)! Only 2 more semesters of college (well, then nursing school)!!!!!
Ok, way too much about me. I want to hear how y'all are doing! Please update me!