I would like to just take the time to let you all know about a website where you can earn points and cash by watching videos and completing different surveys and other things.
A few of you may have already signed up, but I'd like to share with all my friends. One of the rewards you can claim with your points is Facebook credits. Another includes Xbox One, Computer games, amazon gift cards, itunes cards, rugs, furniture, playstations, Wiis etc. (There are LOADS!!) If you chose cash as your main earning rather than the points, you can request a withdrawal to paypal among other things.
I myself have bought a $50 Facebook card and a $25 Facebook card, along with withdrawing $49 to paypal myself.
This website really does work, I have personal proof of this. You can only have 1 account per person, if you abuse this you will be blocked from the site.
If you have signed up and forgot about it, log back in and get back into it (I haven't been active for around 2 years, only just got back into it myself recently) and if you haven't yet signed up at all, here is the link to do so:
If you have any questions about it, give me a message and I will get back to you.