I had been wanting one of these for forever, so... I made one.
If you enjoy fanfiction about Japanese dramas or movies, please go and join
jdramafic!!! If you're a writer of such fics, please post them there, too!
jdramafic is just a little baby community now, but it will soon grow to be THE MOST IMPORTANT PLACE ON THE INTERNETS. No, seriously! It will!
But not without your help.
Again, if you write drama fic, post it in
jdramafic. If you just read drama fic, join and lurk! If people on your flist read or write drama fic, then please, pimp this sucker out!
jdramaficjdramaficjdramaficjdramaficjdramaficjdramaficjdramaficjdramaficjdramaficjdramaficjdramaficjdramafic /spam