Over a year away... Of course I come back looking for porn.

Jul 15, 2013 02:41

Oh, hi, Livejournal. Just dropping by with a little request...

I went to see Kame's "It's Me, It's Me" this weekend in New York and HOLY FUCK DOES FIC EXIST YET?! AL;SKGJASLDKGSLKDGJASLDKF

There's one scene toward the beginning where Kame kinda shoves himself against a wall AND IT'S TOTALLY HOT.

No, seriously. I haven't shipped Kame or his characters with anyone in a very long time. I haven't been in this fandom in a very long time... But... Kame-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

If I had the chance to see the movie again, I would totally be writing all the fic. ;alskgjalsjdhf

The movie was fantastic, btw. Humorous and a bit of a mindfuck, but very clever and Kame was outrageously good and everyone needs to see it! I'll write a proper review on my actual journal thing, so, brevity.

But yes.

I want Ore Ore fic.

why is there no porn?, why am i updating at 3 in the morning?!, request, this does not belong on twitter, this otp is better than akame, kame

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