"Logic is wreath of pretty flowers that smell bad."

Apr 16, 2012 17:47

I have officially joined the dark side as far as fic is concerned.

I've started reading Star Trek fic.

Oh god.

I've been a fan of the original Star Trek series since 1995-ish and, yeah, even at that time, I noticed (and enjoyed) the slash, but even after getting into Akame, and thus fic in general, I resisted Star Trek fic.

I'm uncomfortable reading fic about characters that speak English. I have no idea why.

In the last week or so, however, I've read a whole bunch of Trek fic. Mostly Spock/McCoy because, well, yes. I can't read the porn, though. Oh god that squicks me out. But really, I don't want to read the porn (or the romance). I guess that's not how I see the characters? *shrugs*

One thing I find interesting is there are so many aspects of these characters and the Trek universe that show up repeatedly in fic that I had never seen in canon before, and I'm wondering if it's because my knowledge of Trek is limited to only the original series and the first seven movies (and a couple episodes of TNG). And the first season of Enterprise. Does Enterprise even count?

A couple years ago, I started an Akame AU Star Trek fic. I really want to finish it now to stop me from just writing actual Star Trek fic! But... I can't write Jin. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Meh. I don't know where this entry is going.

this entry is pointless, i'm gonna sink this bitch, this is not the post you're looking for, it's ok to defriend me, fic, this does not belong on twitter, star trek, 8000 tags and not one of them relevant, adksdngl;ajaskdfjasd f, i hate jin fans, this soul does not belong to me

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