Are you going to the Houston con?

Nov 03, 2010 01:54

If you're going to Jin's Houston concert, don't forget to support Jin another way...

By visiting his sketchy Chinese restaurant:

This will never not make me smile.

This particular establishment was somewhere along Interstate 10 between Austin and the Louisiana state line. I'm pretty sure it was it was west of Houston (since as soon as I hit Houston, there was a hurricane and it rained for forever). I can't find this one on the internet, BUT THERE'S MORE THAN ONE DOWN THERE! LOL!

So, especially if you're driving to the con, LOOK FOR SIGNS. The one I found had a sign right on I-10 and it was just off the exit.

Edit: I can't believe how much time I just spent on this but...

I fount it!

The Jin's Asian Cafe that I found is in Sealy, TX on Highway 36 about 50 miles west of Houston.

I have been trying to find this on Google maps since I got back, but have been totally unable to. Until now.

Why? Because whenever Google maps last updated their, uh, maps and street view stuff, Jin's Asian Cafe wasn't there.

Let's compare!

Giant arrow indicates future site of sketchy restaurant:

The place was just as busy when I was there.

I feel accomplished, somehow.

Also, technology is awesome!

So, yes. This one is kinda far, but there are others in the Houston area, so go get some Asian food at Jin's Asian Cafe!!!! LOL!

(This post is procrastination at it's finest.)

this entry is pointless, there and back again: a fangirl's tale, this is not the post you're looking for, look inside america, jin, expanding my territories, technology is awesome

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