Oct 17, 2006 21:00
I almost totally forgot this existed. XD <3 But that doesn't mean I don't love you all, because very much I love you all yes? :D Good.
Sensei, dude, speak to me. LET ME KNOW YOU'RE ALIVE. DX *clings* T__T
I went with Fido and Zach da Lion to see the Blue Man Group on Saturday, because Sensei hasn't alerted me of her existance! DX u___u
Only a couple more weeks with braces and then they're gone. XD <3333333333333333 yay. :D Lessee...erm..kyu :O been watching Gravitation..Ouran Highschool..Girls Bravo..because of the boobs. Oh, the boobs. XD Very much of those. XD The first season has the boobies blacked out, but the second season is like ":DDD SENSORS? WTF ARE SENSORS?" So thusly, mom has come walking through and I've had to pause and close out of my window. u_u she knows something's up now, I bet XD.
I'm a new Tracy Bonham fan! :D Yay. And the Wizard of Oz, yes, all who read this and live in my area, come. :O October 26, 27, 28, 30, and November 4th. The second preformance is a sing a long. ANd man, sensei, this would be awesome, come see it now. XD
We had a children's show recently, and it went wonderfully. <3 You see..my brother, Grahm, just so happens to be the Almighty Oz, the great and powerful. He's also professor Marvel..isn't that suiting of him? XD <3 It's alot of fun to watch Graham act, because he's really a jolly fellow. XD
I manage costumes. So basically I make sure band kids stay out of the dressing rooms. XD It's pretty rewarding; I feel like I've lost a couple pounds chasing and beating off kids who randomly walk in. XD <3
If you'd like to know more about the preformance, sensei, IM me or comment this or call me or something. <3 BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. D: And I have to see you again someday. SOMEDAY. D: