Title: Pirates of the Arisu
Genre: Alternate Universe, BL&Yaoi, Action&Adventure, Comedy/Crack, Slight Drama&Angst
Pairings: ShouxHiroto, mentioned AoixKai, ChiyuxYuji, KanonxTakeru, etc.
Summary: Kohara Kazumasa had a dream to sail the seas and explore every bit of land he could. He shared that dream with Ogata Hiroto and made a promise to come back for him. When he finally did, he decided that he can't possibly go back to Kohara Kazumasa and took on the name "Shou" -- the captain of a pirate crew -- with his own agenda.
Warnings: Sexy Shou in one hell of an eyepatch and mild language. XD
Prologue -
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09 10th Storm :: Demons
I felt my fangs enlargen within my cavern as I slid my tongue over them--drawing blood that filled my mouth with a metallic taste. I swallowed the warm and sticky liquid, feeling it slide down my throat. At that point, both eyes glowed red--a sure sign that I was ready to kill and destroy, perhaps even ready to steal his soul--as I charged forward with inhuman speed.
It was obvious then that I wasn't who I said I was. There was no need to keep hiding who I really am from my crew. Afterwards, I might have to explain myself. After all, I was the captain who knew everything there was to know about his crew. However, my crew couldn't possibly say the same about me. I was a person who kept way too many secrets; I wasn't even sure if I could call myself a person anymore.
With those thoughts in mind, I sliced the giant squid in half. Crimson liquid rained down and splattered our skin. Even though the Kraken was most likely dead now, I couldn't bring myself to sheath my sword. When Saga cursed, Tora swore, and Nao whining, I knew it wasn't over. My eyes flickered behind me, seeing two giant squids squirming and very much alive.
"You all say that you know your captain better than I. Did you know that he is a halfling? He was born to a Japanese mother and a French father, his father being the captain of the Noble Pirates. His full name is actually Kazumasa Alexander Leo de Soleil; however, he never really loved his father with all of his heart. He abandoned his full name and took after his mother as Kazumasa Kohara when he was only four."
Blood spilled from my bottom lip as my fangs pierced flesh. This "man" was stealing my job! I was supposed to tell them everything! Was he trying to make me look like the antagonist?! Satoru-san would never do something like this... This thing was not Satoru-san at all. It was a fraud, a copy. Satoru-san really had passed away in that tragic accident.
That means I could go all out and not hold back.
"Lies," I spat--readying myself to strike.
But then I choked when I found that its target was not me, but Hiroto.
"You cheat," I hissed.
"Someone like 'Captain Shou' here does not deserve the Arisu. A liar, a demon--someone who doesn't know his place. The Arisu would not be suitable for someone like him, someone who should go home in a canoe--"
"WOULD YOU SHUT UP ALREADY?!" Hiroto shrieked before he drew his daggers and pierced a tentacle. He pulled out his weapon and wailed when the grasp around his body tightened. Before I could run over to him, Nao had already cut off the tentacle holding Hiroto--the said appendage dropping onto the ground. Saga pulled out his guns, shooting bullets at both squids while Tora ushered Hiroto to the side.
Nao scrambled over to my side, grinning sheepishly.
"We were waiting for your orders, Captain, but we couldn't wait anymore when that thing went too far," Nao chirped. "We all will receive punishment later, okay? Relax." After patting my shoulder, Nao sprinted towards Saga, telling him to take care of the thief while Nao took over.
Unfortunately, I wasn't too bright with that idea when the Krakens regenerated like a Hydra. What kind of sea creature was this? I understood that it wasn't a huge Kraken that could latch onto the hull of a ship, but for this regenerating ability to take its place...it just wasn't fair.
I had to take it out in one shot for the safety of Hiroto and the others, but Nao was in the way--not catching onto the fact that there were more squids than before. I ordered him to retreat, and he obeyed with a questioning and baffled expression. Everything became clear, though, when my blade started to glow with a blue flame--and I was surprised that the jungle didn't burn down when I ignited the squids. It had been a while since I had fought as a demon.
After the battle, I sat down with my comrades, who clearly wanted an explanation although they didn't say anything. Unlike any good captain, I kept them waiting as I scanned the area for my eyepatch. It was also a good excuse to avoid eye contact. A hand that held my eyepatch invaded my line of vision, making me look up to see who the culprit was.
That Yasu kid...or was it Yusa?
"I didn't know that Satoru-san was really...not Satoru-san. It was actually a Kraken given a script and stage directions, huh? I'll tell you something that I do know for sure though: in this jungle, everything that happens to you is planned--they're obstacles that the gods put in to see if you're worthy. I guess you passed the first one," Yusa stated.
Shaking my head, I argued and pointed out that Hiroto was still ill. We passed the second obstacle whilst avoiding the first--although it was still staring at us right in the face. Everyone stayed silent as Yusa decided to speak again, "Well, how will you pass this third challenge?"
I raised an eyebrow, silently questioning him, as Tora questioned him verbally, "What third challenge?"
Yusa sighed.
"Aren't you going to tell your crew the truth? Although they trust you no matter what, it's a nice bonus to know who your captain is--and hearing it from the captain himself, not a monster."
That caused me to laugh.
"I am a monster," I retorted, "I'm a demon." With a sigh, I agreed to his terms and began to tell them my story after putting on my eyepatch.
Only, before I had a chance, Hiroto spoke up, "Kazumasa...kun?" His voice was so afraid and cautious towards me, it broke my heart. I brought myself to look at his eyes, so miserable yet filled with a gleam of hope. The way he nibbled on his bottom lip and averted his gaze in utter confusion made it harder to explain to him.
I could only start with a short and curt "yes."
"Teru-saaaaan~~" Miku sang as he pranced around the navigator. Teruki glanced at the ship's gunman before rolling up yet another map and returning his focus to the helm, steering the boat to the right. "Terukiiiii~~" Miku sang yet again as he jumped the navigator, causing him to shriek--startled as hell on loose.
As the two began to yell and shout and scream, Miku's statement was clear, "I'M NOT GIVING UP ON BOU! I'LL HAVE HIM BEFORE YOU!"
The said blonde chef (ahem, patissier) cringed at the mention of his name. The captain sighed while the two youngest crew members (the shipwright and musician) giggled silently to themselves. Kanon's visible eye stared silently at the jungle in front of him. The pirate found himself fidgeting with his hands and paused for a moment.
"God, Satsuki, you better have control over what you're doing," Kanon murmured. "I've stopped believing in you a long time ago after all... Around the time when Jui departed." The brunet turned his head slightly to face his crew--immediately masking all signs of remorse. "So, where do you guys want to go? I heard Italy's having a peaceful time right now. Shall we relax for a bit?"
Everyone dropped what they were doing upon hearing their captain's words. After exchanging confused, baffled, and puzzled glances, they burst out in laughter. Kanon smirked and leaned against the railing.
"Of course not," Kanon mused, "we can't leave Satsuki to mess around with their minds for too long." The pirate king kept a watchful eye on his crew. "That captain of theirs really needs it--that ship--and he deserves it...even if he is a demon. Hopefully, Satsuki knows this and sees it soon. If not, I guess I'll pray and nag to him about it." He scoffed lightly. "I mean, even my crew sees it."
I wasn't sure what to think or feel when I was speaking.
When I told Hiroto that I was Kazumasa-kun, I was afraid of his reaction--too afraid to even look at him. When I told everyone that I made a contract with a devil to keep my life, I was afraid of their responses--to afraid to look up and face the sky. I was bound to hell, and I told them that they'd most likely be dragged to hell since they were with me. I told them that I was the son of the lengendary anti-hero Alphonse Xavier de Soleil, the man every individual of the sea knows. (Even Sinbad, legend of the seven seas, can't compare.)
I knew that I had to eventually face them, so I lifted my gaze then. Nao was beaming at his cup of coffee while Saga was sipping some tea and having a chat with Tora--all three taking care of Hiroto at the same time, who kept twiddling his thumbs (cheeks coated light pink). Yusa chuckled and patted my back.
"You've got nothing to worry about, Shou-san. These young men are very loyal and devoted to you," Yusa chirped before turning around. "I have to get back to Satsuki and let him know that you've passed the third test." Everyone stopped what they were doing--including me. Immediately, we all popped up from our seats and pounced onto the brunet, who jumped--astonished.
I grabbed his wrist and demanded to know who the hell Satsuki was. Yusa grinned sheepishly before waving bye and fading away. I gaped at the spot where Yusa once was. After clearing my throat and recovering, I turned back to my crew...who were frozen in shock.
"Oh come on," I teased them, "you saw me shoot blue fireballs, yet you can't handle little short guys disappearing into thin air? We're 'Warriors of the Blue,' right? We shouldn't be fazed by meeting demons, devils, krakens, etc. etc. Hell, you have a demon for a captain! Let's go already! Nao, where do we go next?"
And, as expected, Nao merrily chirped, "To the Ancient Ruins! Follow me! They're just ahead!" I couldn't help but grin when everyone passed by--all sending me grins (even Hiroto smiled). But, before Hiroto could take another step ahead, I grabbed his fingers and laced them with mine. Together, we walked forward--making our way to the center of the Treasury, to the Ancient Ruins.
By that time, I was extremely confident that we'd stick together throughout everything. I almost neglected the fact that there were other obstacles we've yet to conquer. When the sun set, Nao suggested that we should settle down--seeing that it was dangerous to travel at night with all of the animals lurking in the shadow. Tora set off to gather firewood, so Nao and Saga split the task of preparing the campsite while Hiroto and I were supposed to keep guard.
Instead, we decided to get out of Nao and Saga's line of vision--claiming to be exploring our surroundings. In spite of our rankings and his past beliefs, Hiroto linked his arm with mine and rested his head agaisnt my shoulder.
"You know, sometimes I think that I have you figured out," Hiroto mused, "but then you always surprise me with something. Like previously, I thought that you were just some perverted captain trying to hit on me, but then you proved that you really wanted to be lovers. Then I thought you were my captain and just a lover, but then you proved yourself as a childhood friend and the son of a legend. Then when I realized you were my childhood friend, I was told that you were a...demon."
"Does it scare you?" I questioned with a nervous smile.
"I slept with a demon--does that mean you have control of my soul now?" Hiroto remarked with a smirk.
I chuckled lightly, kissing his soft locks, also avoiding his question--though he had inquired jokingly. A moment of silence engulfed us as he strolled around the jungle. While I was more focused on our path, Hiroto was more focused on the stars above our heads--as always. I couldn't help but smile to myself at the heart-warming sight. Some things just never change, and I'm glad for that.
"Kazumasa-kun...you promised that we'd watch stars together on our ship one day," Hiroto mused. "I want to speed up time and fast-forward so we can get to it."
My tongue flicked over my lips hungrily.
"God, Hiroto, don't say things like that," I muttered with a smirk. "It turns me on."
Abeit dark, I saw his cheeks flush, and I couldn't help but caress his skin softly then.
He was warm, oh-so warm... Perfect for a cold-blooded demon like me.
His pale, thin fingers lightly danced across the ivory keys with graceful and fluid movements. Dark eyes stared at nothing but the piano keys; those dark eyes filled with nothing--just a vast emptiness. Even when he heard the door behind him click open, his porclean face gave away no expression. Even when the sound of news reached his ears, he did not react until Yusa stopped talking.
His supposedly frail fingers slammed against the keys. As a small and slight scowl tainted his lips. As he stood up, his long honey colored hair flew past his shoulders. He rushed out of the room, quickly sprinting towards the secret passageway leading to the isolated shore of Royale SuGizo.
His dark orbs stared at the ship in front of him before he decided to board it. Satsuki pursed his lips as he took the helm, sailing a short distance as he always did when he was stressed. The life of this ship appeared in front of his eyes yet again, and he always felt pity for the doe eyed kid aboard. It was worse when this ship fell apart and the kid formed a contract with his enemy, the evil goddess named Nemesis. Satsuki was willing to take him in and make him an angel, but Kohara-kun was enticed easily by the evil woman--devoured by his ambitions (and failing to realize that Poseidon didn't welcome demons in his seas).
Seeing him again, Satsuki was determined to set him free from Nemesis's grasps, and, to do that, he couldn't give up this ship without destroying Kohara-kun in some way. He had to make Kohara-kun realize that he shouldn't have accepted Nemesis's offer. Despite the fact that he was attached to Kohara-kun, he had his own role to follow. He was a god, and he knew he had to be harsh and cruel at times. He couldn't always be forgiving.
Satsuki had spoken with Poseidon and Zeus and everyone else at the council, and it seemed that they wanted anyone who approached the Arisu cursed. The Arisu was not a ship to play around with, being a legendary ship after all, and Kanon of the Antic Pirates knew this very well. That was why, when the Antic Pirates passed through the Treasury without a problem, Kanon refused to take the ship--pleasing the gods unintentionally.
The god turned the ship around, remembering that he was almost caught before (by Kohara-kun himself), and returned to his chamber. Yusa stood there, in the very same position he was in when Satsuki left. He parted his lips, about to ask a question, until Satsuki spoke--not allowing a word to leave Yusa's lips--"Make sure that Kohara-kun is stuck in the maze. Persaude everyone to participate, but if they refuse then so be it."
Yusa gulped.
Everyone? We didn't gather anyone when Kanon-kun went through the Ancient Maze...well, perhaps we felt that Kanon-kun was worthy...or maybe because we knew he would decline. But... Isn't Satsuki-sama going too far? the angel questioned himself before obliging to his orders.
A/N: Yet another chapter!
Now you know this is really crack. It's like... One Piece, Kuroshitsuji, Final Fantasy, Greek gods, and Jrock in one go. XD
--Next Chapter!!-->