Blargh!! I don't really feel much like blogging, but it needs to be done. Lots of crap happening lately. So I'll try to go in chronological (whooo . . . big word) order as best I can. It's going to be a freaking long post so let us all hope I do this lj cut thing right.
First off, my husband, Chris might need surgery on his left knee. A couple weeks ago, he slipped on some ice out in the parking lot of his work and twisted his knee. I told him to fill out a report about it so he did. Good thing too since he ended up needing to go to the doctor on Friday about it since the pain was getting worse. Turns out he tore some tendon or ligament that is under his kneecap. MCL, ACL, I don't know exactly what it's called or which one it is. The doctor said that sometimes they will heal on their own, but sometimes they require surgery. Fabulous. At least his work will have to pay for it if it comes to that. Yay for Workman's Comp!
On Wednesday, I went to the airport with
mcsnapdragon to pick up
katsudon who was coming in from Denver for a visit. We went to the anime club that night and had a good time. Of course I usually have a good time at anime club, 'cause a lot of my friends go. Well, somehow during that night, I wasn't present at the time,
mcsnapdragon and
katsudon decided that they were going to create a Harry Potter RPG community on livejournal. I think
saruhime was in on it too. So I get sucked into it, because I'm a geek. No other reason, just that. So I had to pick who I was going to be, so I chose Luna Lovegood. She is awesome. For those of you who don't know who Luna is, go read the books. I'm not explaining it. I'm then informed that I get to have two characters and somehow I end up with Harry Potter. I'm still not sure how that happened . . . but I'm sure I'll have fun with it. Especially since the title of the RPG isn't going to be "Harry Potter and the Online RPG." So there really isn't going to be a main character. In fact, we're doing some tweaking to the history of Hogwarts. There will be plenty of darkness, insanity, death . . . oh yeah, and snakes (inside joke with that last one *wink wink*). I'm not sure what the name of the community is yet, but I'll post it here as soon as I find out.
On Thursday, I went with
mcsnapdragon and
katsudon for lunch at a hippie cafe. It was called . . . uh . . . One World . . . I think. All the food was organic and they have selections for vegans, vegetarians and meatatarians. Totally sweet. It was pretty good. They had this barbecue sauced barley that was really good. Just thinking about it makes me happy. Later that day I joined the health club Curves. My mom had started going and I had talked about it a lot with
iceysolstice who is also a member. I used the 'one week free' coupon from the online site so I could be sure I would actually enjoy it. So I'll pretty much be going 3 to 4 times a week. I also have a treadmill at home and some TaeBo and Yoga videos. I'll definitely be doing the Curves and treadmill thing. I may use the videos later . . . maybe. It'll take some convincing . . . Hopefully I'll be able to lose around 65 pounds. Then I'll be back down to the weight I was when I got married. Although, just losing a few pant sizes would make me happy.
We got together again Friday night and went to the movie "Stay Alive" with
mnpchan and his friend Clint. I laughed during the whole thing. Although I think it was supposed to be a scary movie. I think I've had some bad influence from
mikasaigo when it comes to scary movies. She has a habit of laughing during them as well, especially during the more gruesome scenes.
After the movie we went to go get supplies for dinner and ended up getting kicked out of a liquor store. Why? Cause Utah sucks sometimes. We needed some sherry for a recipe so we went to the state liquor store to get it. I took the bottle up to the cash register and handed over my ID so I could pay. The lady at the register then asks to see
mcsnapdragon and
katsudon's ID.
mcsnapdragon had recently had her wallet stolen so she didn't have an ID on her. So the lady won't sell me the sherry just because we were together. What the crap?!?! She wasn't buying the liquor!! I was!! Apparently if someone with out ID comes into the store with you, you can't buy liquor. But you can totally buy it for a bunch of 12-year olds in the parking lot as long as they don't come it with you. It still pisses me off to think about it. Luckily we managed to find some cooking sherry at the grocery store. I would like to mention that the lady there didn't ask for my ID at all . . .
So we were cooking dinner at my house and
mikasaigo had joined us by then. I was in the kitchen and was prepping the salad and had taken that protective plastic wrap off over the cap of the salad dressing bottle. I go to shake the bottle of dressing and the lid comes flying off and out comes Balsamic Vinaigrette and splashes all over me and *sob sob*
katsudon's laptop. I hadn't even loosened the lid!! Holy hell!! I totally felt like crying then. That was the day Chris and I found out that he might have to have surgery. So there was that, getting kicked out of the liquor store and now the salad dressing all over my friend's laptop. I think we managed to clean it up pretty well. Luckily she had gotten the extended warranty when she bought it so any repair that needs to be done should be covered. Yeah . . . a large portion of that day was crap.
Ah, crap. This is getting really long . . . meh. I still have more things to go over. So on we go!!
Saturday was the meeting for
Anime Banzai, the local anime con here in Utah. I had even gotten most of my homework done for the meeting!! One thing I have to mention about this meeting . . . SUMMER IS AWESOME!!! Holy crap! That girl knows what she's talking about. She had 5 billion (I'm actually not exaggerating that) ideas and suggestions on our advertising and marketing for the convention. I guess one of her jobs used to be in Public Relations. With her help, I think we can totally hit our 1000 people attendance that we are really shooting for.
After the meeting I went down to the South Towne Expo Center and met up with my parents for the Garden and Landscaping show. My husband and I had just built a house and we need to get the yard in this year. Of course, if he has to have surgery, he won't be able to do any of the work. So I got a huge stack of contacts for landscapers, top soil and sod providers. I'll pretty much be pitting the landscapers against each other for the best price. We have over a quarter of an acre to do and we need to have a retaining wall put in to level the yard out. So we're looking at forking over a few grand to get the yard in. I don't look forward to spending the money, but I do look forward to having grass and a fence . . . After the show we met up with my husband to have dinner at this great Mexican place called La Calandria. On the outside, the place looks like a dive, but the food is sooooo good. I think I ate too much though. I was so full and had a bad headache since a storm was coming in so I took a nap after I got home. The wind was blowing like crazy, but I passed out pretty quickly.
On Sunday we went to my in-laws house to have a birthday dinner for Chris's sister, Jennifer and her husband Nate. Nate likes anime too! :) Attending the dinner were Chris's parents, his sister Cindi, her husband, Ryan and their son, Michael. Then there was his brother, Brian and his wife, Alisha. Brian and Alisha brought their new dog over. Her name is Mia and she is a Lhasa Apso. Soooooo cute!! They keep her trimmed so she doesn't have the traditional Lhasa Apso grooming which makes them look like dust mops. She was really friendly and so well mannered.
On Monday . . . I did some grocery shopping and went to the gym. Big whoop there.
Tuesday I went to work and met with
nefie later in the day to go sign up for a P.O. Box for
Anime Banzai registration. The first guy who gave us the paperwork to fill out was really nice and helpful. We got a different guy when we went to process the paper work . . . I think he had been working there for not very long or had been there way too long. I'm not sure which, but he was really out of it. He tried to tell me that my street didn't exist. Apparently he had memorized every street in West Jordan. I told him that my house was only 9 months old so it was a new subdivision. I guess he hadn't memorized that one yet.
Later that night I got a call from some travel agency. At the Garden and Landscaping Show on Saturday I had filled out a form to enter a contest for a trip to Florida and Universal Studios Orlando. Apparently I had won. As long as I don't have to fork over any money, I'm all over it. I'll know more about it on the 9th of April.
This morning I dropped Chris off at the airport. He's going to be in San Francisco until April 7th at something called Hot Stage. It's some big computer geek workshop he's attending for work. I have work for a few hours which is where I am now. There's no anime club tonight because some big thing is going on at the college and we couldn't get a room for it. I might get together with some friends and hang out though.
I'm glad I have tomorrow off. I'm so tired and stressed out right now. I just wanna go home and go to sleep. At least I can do some serious sleeping in tomorrow . . .