Jun 22, 2009 09:36
There's no mood icon to express all of my feelings, so I just put some of it in the title . . .
Japan was great. Stuff was going well. Then the proverbial shit hit the fan. It has not been one of my better weeks.
On Wednesday Chris got a call from his boss in Denver. They're closing the section of the company that he works for. So he's out of a job. A really good paying job. Thank God we're smart enough to put as much into savings each month as we can. So we have an okay amount saved up. Chris is going to try to get unemployment benefits while he's looking for a new job. That should hopefully pay at least the mortgage and I can most likely work enough hours to pay for the rest of our bills. Lets just say its gonna be ramen, mac n' cheese and spaghetti for dinner for a while.
On Thursday we had our lawn fertilized. I was a retard and let the cats out later that night. What do cats do when they go outside? They eat grass . . . Sassy threw up at 4 in the morning and the fluid was pink. So I panic for a few hours until my vet's office opens. He says Sassy's mouth and esophagus were probably just irritated and since he had his teeth cleaned on Tuesday his mouth is extra sensitive. So the prescription? Popsicles or yogurt . . . He didn't want the popsicle, but he was all for that yogurt.
Then on Friday night, my laptop died. I have a lot of crap on it that I need! Chris says he can get the data off of the hard drive and luckily I was going to be swapping to a different laptop anyway. I just didn't expect it to be so quick. At least we already owned my new laptop. It was one of the laptops Chris got to keep from his job at Identity Engines. So the job before the most recently lost one.
On Saturday, Chris and I flew to Boise for a family reunion. It was for the family on his dad's side. His grandma just turned 88. She is one fine looking woman for being 88! One of her hands shakes a little, but she still walks on her own and seems really healthy.
The people staying in the room next to us were complete bastards, though. They kept banging their door and yelling down the hall. They had absolutely no regard for other guests. I was touching up my make-up and I just heard this loud and kind of high-pitched click click click coming from the hall. So I look out the peephole and there's this lady standing there CLIPPING HER FINGERNAILS!! You're five steps away from the room you've been banging in and out of and you choose to stop outside MY door and clip your nasty nails and leave the clippings on the floor?! Freaking hell!!
We flew home Sunday (while in the Boise airport I beat the "Naruto Ninja Council 3" game) and got home around two in the afternoon. I go downstairs to check on Sassy and to check on their litter boxes, since someone likes to poop outside the box instead of in it lately. *sigh* No poop . . . none. Not even in the litter box. I changed the litter Thursday night and they haven't pooped in days! So now I'm freaked out that something is wrong. I fed both Sassy and Sausage some soft cat food in hopes it would get some stuff moving, but this morning there is still nothing. They both seem to be acting normal though. Playing, being talkative and curious. I've seen what cats get like when they have trouble "doing their duty" and they aren't acting like that. I just hope when I get home from work this afternoon, they'll have "taken care of business." I won't care if they use one of my shoes, just as long as something comes out. If not, they'll be going to the vet. Which can cost a freaking fortune.
Then last night when we were getting ready for bed, Chris was looking for his NintendoDS and couldn't find it. He realized he had left it on the airplane we took home. So he called up the airline and I hope they find it. He was really enjoying playing "Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories."
So yeah. A mess. That's what I'm feeling like. I'm just spinning and falling and can't seem to find a handhold or direction on anything. So right now I'm worrying about, both metaphorically and literally, a lot of shit right now . . .