Con Season SALE!

Jun 09, 2009 18:18

Hey guys! It's that time of the year again, and while I may not be at your con of choice, it doesnt meen you cant take advantage of my con sale prices!

Small ID Card Badges - $5

Freeform/Bust Badges - $7

Full Page Body Badge - $10


Sketch - $4

Simple Inks - $7

As always, prices include shipping. Money goes to rent and my own con fund (but mostly rent XD). Sorry, no sale on more complex things at the moment. I dont want to backlog myself.

Comment, note, or email me if you want something! Thanks!


Email/PayPal: amyagent5[at]

Examples (more to come):
(This one has 2 in it from this month)

con badge sale art

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