I think im well overdue for a good moan. Havent really made any journal entries for a while. Monkey Kate is the MASTER at updating her journal, and making it funny everytime! *hand her a badge*, but im afriad im just good at moaning. But just to keep people smiling, heres a picture that always entertains me:
Yeaaah man yeaaaaah.
Lets have some more
Hell yeah.
But now onto my whinge. Well most people know that I have been trying to get onto a Holistic Therapy college course for about a year now. Last year they run out of places and I couldnt start, so I tried again this year. I applied early, and the course was supposed to start about 2 weeks ago. Anyway, I got a phone call last week saying they are starting it this week instead. So I gets all excited, and put my little school folder together and lay out the pens I wanna take, and get my diary all ready to write homework down in and everything. Been getting really excited about it all day, making new friends and doing something I have wanted to do for ages. Couldnt really face anything to eat because I was excited, and nervous all at the same time. So, it gets to half five, and I have to be there by 6 so I leave out. Have my music on full blast with my Ska punk, which makes me smile even more. Wander through the college gates, feeling all Mature being on a evening course and all. Wander past the holistic classrooms and look in on a Reflexology class with loads of people in the uniform that I want. Nurse like, white with a little clock hanging upside down. I SOOOOO want to wear one :)
Wander into my classroom to find only one other person in there. Okay so im early, its no big deal. Have a wonderful conversation with my new found friend, find out shes SO MUCH like me its scary, apart from her being 26. Shes starting an Ebay buisiness like me, goes to Centre Parcs and wants to start her own Holistic therapy buisiness. Basically everything that I do! Its gets to ten past 6 and a couple more people wander in, followed by the tutor. She makes us all a cup of tea while we're waiting for the rest of the class.
That never turn up.
So theres four of us in this HUGE classroom sipping our teas and talking about magnetic bracelets and hopi ear candles.
Nope, definately no more people coming.
The buiscuit box goes round, and everyone chooses custard cremes.
Gets to about half 7, and the tutor decides to tell us the bad news. Basically not enough people have turned up for the course to be run this term. Its just not in their financial interests.
Stunned silence. My friend looks gutted, and so do I. Exchanges of glances show the rest of the class (all 3 of them) arent too impressed either. So we wait a little longer just to make sure no one else turns up, and no one does. So we're all sent home with the promise of a phone call next week just to confirm that its not running. If it doesnt run, we have to wait till September for that course to start, and have to apply and enroll again. *sigh*
Never get your hopes up on anything, cos it can still go tits up, even when you least expect it.
Check out my Ebay stuff! Bid if you want anything!! LOL
http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZkimmiedragontamer This one specifically!!!:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=90575&item=6955899867&rd=1 Even this has gone a bit pear shaped, but im working on fixing it. Basically my brother got me interesting in starting an ebay buisiness, and I did. Iv sold 3 of my university essays for a pound each, which I just email to the customer (so free money basically), but I wondered why everything was just 'payment pending', turns out I need to set up a direct debit with my bank account for me to recieve my payments. BAH! I didnt know that, LOL, so iv now got to wait 3 - 5 days to sort it out, whilst I have customers waiting for their emails. Iv sent them to them as a sign of goodwill and so I dont get negative feedback, but I wont get paid yet. Hopefully it will all get sorted sooner or later and I can trade properly.
But yeah.
Im gonna go and sit in the bath and sulk till I get all wrinkly.