Today marks my second week in Shanghai! Whoots! I am adapting quite well to life in Shanghai. Though the work sucks, it is tiring and very soul sucking. But other than that, life in Shanghai is pretty alright.
The weather in Shanghai is DAMN HOT. On Thursday, it went to a crazy high of 38 degrees. On top of that, the humidity level here in Shanghai is very high. On some days, humidity can be 87%. This means that the moment you step out of the house, u can feel the air "sticking" to you. I have unfortunately,also turn darker. I can see a tan line, and this is after two weeks only! I need my umbrella.
Be warned.Lots of image.
This is where I live. It is call 玫瑰湾
I took a photo of my house and my room using my phone,but I dont know where it went to. I WANT MY CAMERA CHARGER! yesss. I forgot to bring my camera charger with me to Shanghai. Brilliant me. But it's okie, Yanling is coming!
So if, you turn out of my house, this is what you see. The roads are really really really really wide here.
And the drivers love to horn in Shanghai. It is not to say they are rude drivers. In Shanghai,it is even considered polite to horn, because it is a warning to pedestrians that they are approaching. The traffic rules in Shanghai are very loosely followed. Jay walking is the norm here,no one bothers to wait for the green man before crossing. So horns are commonly heard when you are near any road.
This is 连华. It is a supermarket and it is everywhere.And it is normally where we shop for our daily necessities.
Sitting taxi in Shanghai is an interesting experience. The driver is very well protected from attacks from any direction
The door behind where the taxi driver is sitting is usually locked. It is apparently a law in Shanghai. This is to prevent passengers from opening the door into any incoming traffic
This is my office. It is in a very nice neighbourhood.
This is my workspace and my fellow interns. I love my macbook.
Usually, we walk to the pathetic 3 restaurants near our workplace to eat our lunch.But since the weather is horribly horrible, we have settle on 便当quite a few times this week.This is the our stash of takeaway menus
This is what I had for lunch on of the days. This is one of the most meaty meal I had in Shanghai. Meat is like a rarity in Shanghai. Vegetables rule here.
For breakfast. I usually have 煎饼粿子 and a cup of 豆浆 or 薏米水.The 煎饼粿子 is really really nice. It has 酸菜,葱,香菜,鸡蛋 and the aunty's secret sauce. A very filling and satisfying breakfast.
For dinner, we have a wider choice of variety. We can either eat near our house or our workplace. This is what I ate from a stall near our house. It is 凉拌菜 with 猪头肉, drizzled generously with 麻油,辣油.Quite nice, but I didnt really like the 凉拌菜.
This is dinner at one of the restaurants in 张江镇. Decent food for quite an affordable price, around 16 RMB per person. BUT! Air conditioning there is non-existence and the mosquitoes are kill joys. We had 白鸡,麻婆豆腐,铁板牛肉。After eating the 白鸡,I am missing my novena 鸡饭:(
During the weekend, we try to pamper ourselves with something good at the city. So last weekend! We decided to eat dim sum!
Note the sun glasses and the umbrella, these are necessities in Shanghai I tell you.
All you can eat buffet for 88RMB!
After that we went to the place that sells all the fake goods. I bought a Gucci sunglasses. More about that later. Then at night we went 龙之梦, one of the not bad shopping malls in Shanghai. Had a very interesting desert there in this shop call...西西something, i forgot.
looks like spaghetti right? It is quite nice. The vanilla flavor gelato is very nice.
Happy Lemon is this very popular drink place in Shanghai. Almost everyone who walked past that shop will stop and buy something from there. I tried the 奶茶,did not think it was nice. But it is famous for its lemon series of drink, so maybe I made a wrong choice with my drink.
This week end.......