title: it's tough being genderfluid (and jimin)
fandom: bts
pairing: none (jimin-centric)
au: lgbtq+ bangtan!au
rating: g
word count: i believe it's 547 words
summary: society's got it all wrong, jimin thinks. jimin is a boy. jimin is a girl. jimin in neither. jimin is a mix. it's not confusing.
a/n: cross-posted to
writing tumblr and
ao3. this is part of the '
you're so beautiful; don't let anyone tell you otherwise' series. this was me exploring my gender identity, in the forms of jimin. except since i was assigned female at birth, it's the opposite. except for the toilet part. even if it was a male day, i'd still go to the females' one bc i don't like it when people judge me for being me.
society’s got it all wrong, jimin thinks.
jimin is a boy. jimin is allowed to be a boy. he’s allowed to wear dress shirts; he’s allowed to wear trousers; he’s allowed to wear tank tops; he’s allowed to wear shorts. he deepens his voice to fit in with the other boys, chuckles to a ‘manly’ joke, as they’d refer to it. he shows off his muscles when he feels like it. he does everything like a ‘man’ when he feels like it. jimin likes girls. that would make jimin a boy, wouldn’t it? jimin likes boys. that would end up with jimin being called a ‘fag’, right? jimin doesn’t judge; he likes everyone. this is jimin. jimin is a boy.
jimin is a girl. jimin is not allowed to be a girl. she doesn’t understand why. if she wears the prettiest dress, she might pass for a girl. if she wears the prettiest shirt, skirt or shoes, she might pass for a girl. if she wears the right makeup, she would look like a girl. if she wore a wig, or styled her hair to look just like a cute girl, she might pass for a girl. no. she did look like a girl. she is a girl. jimin adjusts her voice to sound a tad higher than her normal pitch but that’s alright. she likes talking about everything girls do; maybe because she is a girl. jimin does not understand why people call her a ‘crossdresser’ or a ‘transvestite’; she’s not. this is jimin. jimin is a girl.
jimin is neither. jimin is not allowed to be neither. she cannot comprehend why. jimin feels like jimin. if they wear a skirt with a loose tank top, they get called strange. if they wear a floral dress shirt with dark slacks, they get called strange. there’s nothing strange with jimin being jimin. there’s nothing strange with jimin feeling comfortable. they should do whatever they feel like, not something others force them to do. jimin talks and walks in their normal way; the way they’re most comfortable with. this is jimin. jimin is neither.
jimin is a mix. jimin is not allowed to be a mix. jimin doesn’t want to be conformed to be a girl or a boy. they believe there are more genders than the two umbrella ones. jimin should be allowed to do what they want. when jimin goes to the girls’ toilets, they get called a pervert. that’s not true. jimin is anything but a pervert. jimin feels a bit like a girl therefore they should be allowed in. jimin gets judged, no matter what they do. this is jimin. jimin is a mix.
jimin does not find it fair that jimin has to act, walk, talk, do everything like (and as) a ‘boy’. jimin is a boy. jimin is a girl. jimin is neither. jimin is a mix. that is most definitely not confusing to jimin. why can’t jimin be jimin?
(if only others agreed with them...)