Nov 29, 2010 00:56
I need to remember that Handsome is still a puppy. I'm so used to Pebbles (she could be trusted around unattended food) and I really need to remember that he is still learning and maturing.
I was snacking on some Back to Nature cheddar crackers (second in greatness to Annie's Cheddar Bunnies.) I got up to use the restroom. I came back and guess what?
That dog was eating my damn crackers. My $3 a box crackers. That I still had half a box of. :/
I saw him and the following happened:
"Handsome! No sir! Not yours!"
Handsome backed quickly away from the crackers and acted like he didn't do anything (of course.)
*I pick up the drool-soaked box of crackers --now 1/4 full*
"Really?!? Bad dog! No crackers! Not for you! Now I have to throw the rest away! Do you know how much these cost?!?"
*Threw box away and came back into the room*
"You are a punk, you know that?"
Handsome sits in front of me with his puppy dog eyes and offers me his paw, wagging his tail.
"Puppy, what am I going to do with you? I guess I forgive you. How can I stay angry at that face?"
Lesson: Don't leave a puppy in a room alone with your crackers if you want them untouched and unsoggied by drool.
I need to do some serious proofing work with him around food.
I also now need to go buy some more crackers.
If Handsome wasn't so charismatic and adorable, I'd have a nice new plush rug for my bedroom. :/