I are spelsial

Jul 14, 2010 21:12

Got myself into a bit of trouble recently. Cried. Felt better. I think I needed to do that.

This is the thing, though, I'm not really in the crying mood, lately, I've been feeling good. Even on about 4 hours sleep a night, which is what I seem to be getting, regardless of if its the weekend, or when I need to get up, or even the amount of physical exercise I have done. Which I am doing, yay me. Doesn't make up for the crap I've eaten, or the fact that I don't do enough of it, but whatever. On a recent swim, I managed to do 70-ish lengths. It was great, I told myself that I was a machine, and yay. Then I got out of the pool and suddenly remembered that I weigh about 20kg more than I should. And my legs hated me.

I'm not even feeling sad about work. I mean, I am, but its not really registering yet.

The Imperial War museum is a bloody great place to take kids. GUNS AND TANKS AND SWORDS AND DID I MENTION THE REALLY MASSIVE GUNS? The trip was really good fun. :)

There was surely some other reason for this post, but I can't remember it now.

Oh, yeah, today there were no tables in the staff room so I log rolled across the floor. Over my keys. I have a sexy bruise on my leg.
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