Feb 05, 2008 08:09

I was browsing through the local tabloids earlier while having breakfast and there was a front page news about Taiwanese celebrities mocking our spoken English. Apparently, our way of spoken English is deemed "weird" by some of them who went on this Mandarin programme.

Excerpts of the video was uploaded to Youtube and caused an uproar by the local Netizens here. Well, I'm here to give my own piece of contribution.

The way we speak really derives from our culture. I'm sure the Taiwanese have their own way speaking Mandarin, right? 台湾国语? Hello? Hokkien-styled Mandarin? Ring a BELL?

We dun make jokes about those. (Well, at least we don't do it on television programmes XD) So, what's their problem and what do they think they have to actually laugh at our spoken English?

I'm dead sure that our level of English is far much superior to the majority of the entire Taiwan population. Hell, we can even write in proper English than most of them. *rolls my eyes*

I'm proud of my country of its achievement, both on the Asean and international stages. Even when we don't speak GOOD English.

At least our politicians don't make a fool of themselves on national television. PFFFFT~~~


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