.::. UGH .::.

Nov 01, 2007 07:42

*eats bread*

There's a meeting later at 9am at Yishun office. Our Managing Director is popping by for a visit, and keeping us updated on the current staus of the company. BORING....


Last evening my mother was telling me...

Mdm Lee: "Your brother's birthday is on the 6th."
Me: "So?"
Mdm Lee: "Are you coming home for dinner this Saturday?" (My brother and his family comes back only on Saturdays)
Me: "No, I'm busy."
Mdm Lee: "With what?"
Me: "I already told you I've got a speech contest that day right? I'm not coming home for dinner. You guys can celebrate yourselves." *irritated look*

If you don't give a fuck about my speech contest, then why should I give a fuck about this anyway? I hate it when everything's revolved around my brother. UGH. WHATEVER.


Last evening, I was introduced to 준코 at MSN by Baobao and Ame. I've heard her name being mentioned a couple of times when they were chatting. She's also currently studying in Japan. Ame says her Japanese is like those native. *envious*

준코 also likes 동방신기 and her favourite member is 준수. : ) And she's also studying a bit of Korean as well.

And since my current 先輩 and 준코 are around, I asked them to help me translate some English sentences in to Japanese for my last week's 宿題. Got to hand in later during class and I haven't done anything to it yet. :X

Downloaded a fancam on 재중이 last night and was watching it. Apparently, during the performance in "Tri-Angle" on the 27th, the audio went wrong and 재중이's part was in slow-motion. You could see 재중이 was trying to keep himself from laughing and he actually followed to the tempo of the slow-mo song, doing the finger trembling move (?) in slow-mo as well.

우리 재중이 너무 귀엽다~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Ooh! I managed to post messages at the member's IPLE sites. : D *reminds self to post everyday to remind to come to Singapore* XD

And then I went surfing through the IPLE sites of other stars. Then I clicked on 민우 cuz he's my favourite 신화 member. And I was browsing around when I saw this located at the bottom.

Lee Min-Woo official site COPYLIGHT 2007.

That site needs someone who can spell proper English.

Jung was laughing out loud in the cab when I texted her that.


Kim and her mental image of Jung and Xiaopang. XD


Time Edit: 1305 hours.

The main display picture at TOHOSHINKI's website. Nice. :D

*runs off to IPLE*


TIME EDIT 2 : 1546 hours

Courtesy of Baobao. : D

Introducing.... ANYBAND!!!

Buibui looks coll... AHEEEEE~ Tablo holding a guitar is really weird.
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