Feb 28, 2007 07:51
It's MID-WEEK!!! But I'm still lacking sleep. Like what's new? @_@ I even fell asleep on the table while having a conversation on Skype with JungPark. @_@ Talk about trying to stay awake and finishing a mug of coffee 5 minutes prior to my concussion on Skype. o..O
Note to self: Nescafe is useless when it comes to Kim.
Was on the MRT earlier and a freakin' Malay lady just had to sit beside me. I'm not usually that critical but seriously, her breath STINKS! Gawd! I almost need a respiratory machine or something. I had to change into different "sleeping-on-the-train-while-my- i-Pod-is-making-me-deaf positions" while guarding my life from Ms. Stinko Breath. Doesn't she spare a thought for others, including me? I really wanna turn round and ask: " Maybe you wanna go back home and brush your teeth before you come out and stink us to death?"
Okay, I'm mean. But it really STANK! Tsk...
Was in the pantry a couple of minutes ago and a cockroach was doing its morning stroll around my colleague'e feet.
Me: "Sue, uh... there's a cockroach around you."
Sue: *looks down and does the stepping dance ala YunHo and JunSu in "Choosey Lover" PV and performances* "My god! Get it away from me!"
Me: *steps on Bro. Cockroach with my left Birki and watches it struggle for a couple of seconds*
Sue: "It's still moving!!!"
Me: "Chill man~" *takes paper kitchen towel, picks Bro. Cockroach up and throws it into the bin*
Sue: "That's a medium-sized one."
Me: "Nope, that one was a biggie." *washes hands and off to the IBM computer in the office and typing this*
I hope my coffee is ready. Hyeah, like Nescafe coffee helps. @_@