Conversation with Grandparents

Nov 06, 2004 15:46

These are some of the funniest things that have happened while I have been working here with Grandma and Grandpa. My grandma is developing alheimers and both of them are a little deaf. This is the result...

My grandparents trying to talk to each other:

Grandma: what day is it today?
Grandpa: What?
G-ma:(a little louder) What day is it today?
G-pa: (looks at clock) Its noon
G-ma: What?
G-pa: (points at clock) NOON.
G-ma: yeah? I see the clock. Whats wrong with it?

a conversation my grandma had once with my brother:

(brother sitting in living room on couch)
G-ma: (enters from kitchen) How far is it to there Chris?
Chris: to where grandma?
G-ma: that far huh? (walk back into kitchen)

the other day, my grandma decided that she has saved up a lot of soda pop cans (she never throws anything away) and she wants to know where she can recycle them for money. she used to do this when i was little, i dont think anywhere does it anymore. she made my grandpa look up the recycling center phone number in the phone book, and then proceeded to call them five times in a row. Nobody answered, but she left five messages saying the same thing on their machine. usually i would try and distract her from doing such things, but it was too funny to pass up.

A tele-marketer called today offering a free hearing test to know if you need hearing aids...i couldnt pass up the opportunity...

me: hello?
tele: Hi, I from the hearing aid center and i was wonder if you or anyone you know would be interested in recieveing a free hearing test.
me: hold on...Grandpa..its for you...(hands him phone)
g-pa: hello
(i cant hear what telemarketer says)
g-pa: hello?
(again, dont know)
g-pa:HELLO?...(hangs up) I guess it wasnt that important.

I'm going to start writing all of these things down. i want to remember them later on as fond memories. There are more, but i cant remember exactly what has been said. I hope you enjoy the insanity of my family...
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