Happy Birthday
I'm seriously about to swith my mouse at work back to the kind with the rolly ball in it. The optical one or whatever it's called is driving insane. I'll be working and all of a sudden my mouse jumps around and lands somewhere else on the screen. Sometimes it happens right as I'm clicking something and it will jump to the upper right hand screen and so I'll accidentally click the X to exit that program. Grrrr.
I'm so glad I have four days off. Today feels like Friday and that is a good thing. I'm going to make apple pie when I get home. It's going to be dessert for Thanksgiving. I'm excited. I haven't baked anything in a long time. I should do it more often.
I'm starting to really miss LOST.
I have to go back to work now. I hope to post and comment more soon.
Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it. :)