Yeah so, I've been away from lj and the computer in general for the past couple weeks. I've been tired and work sucks.
I've been in the mood to make some art and icons but not sure what to make them of. Oh well, it will come to me.
I saw Revenge of the Sith twice. It was really cool both times. Great movie. Anakin is hot in this movie. Sorry, I just had to say it. :)
I ordered myself an iPod. I love it. It's so small yet holds so much music. :)
I just realized that I haven't commented on two of my most anticipated season finales yet. LOST and Alias.
I loved the season finale. I really did. It was suspenseful, intriguing and we got some more insight as to what some of the "survivors" were doing right before the flight. It's true that we did not get total answers but I'm ok with that. I don't want too much too fast. There is another season and I’m sure there will be more revealed. We saw more of the “monster”. That smokey type thing was quite weird. I loved Hurley’s airport run and seeing all the numbers all over the place was neat. I also liked when he was finally let into the gate to board there was a sign that read Authorized Personnel Only. A little Alias plug, heh.
I’m glad Claire got her baby, Aaron, back before the season ended. Poor Charlie had to be led right into the drug plane. It’s going to really bug me if he starts using again. I know it’s realistic for him to relapse but I just don’t like seeing druggie Charlie. Sayid was hot when he came back with Charlie all heroic like and then washing himself in the cave waterfall thing. HOT.
Sawyer wouldn’t be Sawyer if he didn’t read the messages in the bottle. I thought it was funny and cute when he read Hurley’s message and was like “Who’s Hugo?” Sawyer was quite pretty with his hair pulled back I might add.
Poor Walt. “The Others” apparently wanted him. They thought they were going to get rescued but nope, the creepy water folk just wanted the boy. Maybe it has something to do with his “specialness”. I don’t know, but it was creepy and unexpected.
So there is a broken ladder in the hatch. Hmm, I don’t know what that means but I’m excited to find out. A lot of people around the web have said that they were disappointed with not getting answers to some of the questions and mysteries the have been brought up this season. I’m ok with that. I wasn’t disappointed. Now if the next season just opens up more questions and doesn’t answer most of the big question from season 1 then I’ll be annoyed.
Good episode to end this season. It was a rough season and I wasn’t thrilled with many of the earlier eps. I still like this season overall but I didn’t LOVE it. Irina was just great to have back. I wouldn’t have minded if Nadia had died in this episode. Sorry but it’s true.
When Vaughn and Irina were working on that thing and she was telling him stuff like you should tell her the truth and tell her everything or something like that I was like huh? I didn’t think much of it after that. When they completed the mission and “saved the world” and Syd and Vaughn were in the car I thought, ok yay they can go have that nice trip to Santa Barbara they’ve always talked about, good for them. Then he says that his name is not Vaughn. What? Then the car crash. Great season finale. That crash came out of nowhere and scared me. I’m going to speculate that Vaughn’s secret isn’t something that is evil and sinister and I don’t think it was be something that will make Sydney leave him. If his name isn’t Michael Vaughn then I’m sure she will have some trust and honesty issues with him though. That is after they regain consciences after the crash.