"I still believe, I still put faith in us..."Another entry comes to my fingertips...I think it’s about time I actually type it out. I remember going to see Troy w/ Chay and Hitomi on the 16th...of course I cheated w/ the date n’ checked Chay’s LJ ^^;...that’s ok...I’m sure she doesn’t mind ^_~. This past Sat., went to see Mean Girls w/ Hitomi at a
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I've always felt like we... clicked. I remember the first chat we were ever in together - you were so adorable and your interaction with Andy and Beryl were hilarious, I was rolling on the floor hysterically! And not long after that, Andy had you message me when you were home sick from school... later you said that you were petrified, and I couldn't understand why. But from those two moments, a friendship was born.
Kimly-bra (for old times sake), you've always been my 'support'. ;P You are such a very precious, talented, wonderful individual and every time I have the honor to talk with you, I'm continually blown away by God's work in you. He really does have his hand on you, girl, and He definitely knew what he was doing when He brought you into the world. You have places to go and people to touch... along the way, you managed to reach out and touch me and for that I will always be ultimately grateful for.
Drr.... if I continue being mushy, I'm gonna miss work, so I better wrap this up!
Thank you! Gracias! Merci! Xie xie! Arigato! ... for being you.
My heart and spirit are always with you. <3
- Sapphy
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