S is the magic letter!

Sep 11, 2008 20:09


"Comment and I'll give you a letter. Then you have to list ten things you LOVE that begin with that letter. Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own."

I was given the letter S by mrs_cj_harkness  so here goes!

1. Scrapbooking - Not that I have done any of that for a while…

2. Shopping - Whether it be a just a look or a full out shopping spree, I love it! (just not grocery shopping. bleagh!)

3. Slash - Yaoi! Man on Man! …Can’t get enough of it! *drools*

4. Slayer - One of my favorite bands, not the most  loveliest band however... >_>

5. Smiley’s -- Especially the one with it's tongue sticking out! I always use that one, whether it be writing or typing (a friend of mine has suggested that i even get it tattooed! ...hmmmm...)

6. Snakes -- I've always wanted one as a pet... One of the smaller ones mind you.

7. Snow -- I go mental in snow! Too bad i haven't seen a good snow day for some time... :(

8. Sophie -- My daughter. Who i love very very muchly.

9. Sundays -- Sundays rock. Probably because guaranteed that's the day i spend most with family and/or friends.

10. Stubble -- Face fuzz! 5 o'clock shadow! whatever you call it, i love it!


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