Name That Book!

May 17, 2011 23:05

Stolen from humoresques :)

☇ Take four books off your bookshelf.
☇ Write the first sentence
☇ Write the last sentence on page fifty
☇ Write the second sentence on page one hundred
☇ Write the next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
☇ Write the final sentence of the book
☇ Let your friends guess what book it is.

Book 1:
"We should start back," Gared urged as the woods began to grow dark around them.

He was twelve, younger than Jon or Robb, but taller than either, to Jon's vast dismay.

Mormont had been their constant companion ever since.

"That was my lady's sister you were hitting, do you know that?"

The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and, for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons.

Book 2:
I, Lucifer, Fallen Angel, Prince of Darkness, Bringer of Light, Ruler of Hell, Lord of the Flies, Father of Lies, Apostate Supreme, Tempter of Mankind, Old Serpent, Prince of This World, Seducer, Accuser, Tormentor, Blashpemer, and without doubt Best Fuck in the Seen and Unseen Universe (ask Eve, that minx) have decided- oo-la-la!- to tell all.

Violet never listens to her Little Voice and she hears every word it says.

(Watching in the mirror turned out to be a bad idea, what with Gunn's wayward gut and hairy legs, what with his double chin, dugs, and jug-handle ears, what with his body being a sort of anti-aphrodisiac- until, that is, I started seeing the pornographic potential in out aesthetic discrepancies...)

You'll excuse me if I don't dwell.

But not today.

Book 3:
On the day King George V was crowned at Westminster Abbey in London, Billy Williams went down the pit in Aberowen, South Wales.

"That part of the world, which the Bristish call the Balkans, has been part of the Ottoman domain for hundreds of years; but Ottoman rule has crumbled, and now the Balkans are unstable."

In a voice full of poison he said: "I'll remember you, Peshkov."

Gus was the lowliest of Wilson's advisors, or the highest of his clerks, depending on point of view.

Reluctantly he stood aside, with his son, and they waited, backs to the wall, as Ethel and Lloyd walked past them and on up the stairs.

Book 4:
I note what you say about guiding your patient's reading and taking care that he sees a good deal of his materialist friend.

In modern Christian writings, though I see much (indeed more than I like) about Mammon, I see few of the old warnings aboiut Worldly Vanities, the Choice of Friends, and the Value of Time.

He is one being, they are distinct from Him.

And since we cannot decieve the whole human race all the time, it is most important thus to cut every generation off from all others; for where learning makes a free commerce between the ages there is always the danger that the characteristic errors of one may be corrected by the characteristic truths of another.

Most truly I do sign myself.


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