Oct 19, 2006 00:49

Christian is coming up to visit me on sunday! and then Charlie is coming up on tuesday!! I miss my boys so much and it'll b so nice to have some time with chris as well. Awhh yay!!

I need to be working harder than I am. BUTTT I've been very ill this week so I blame my tardiness on the high temperature!!!

I think things with me and Jam have finally ground to a halt, but we've strated getting on fairly well and stuff and we're still flirty and stuff... so maybe if we start with friendship this time and build on that things could be better... anyway I'm planning to work up the nerve to ask him to spend a night out with just me - go for food and drinks - as mates - and really get to know him this time. Why do I STILL LIKE HIM?!?!?!?!?! ahhhhhhhhhh

Anyway little messages to some of yous...: -

Franigan - I hope you had a fabulous birthday I'm sorry I wasn't around to pour alcohol down a funnel into your throat... but I will make it up wen I come back!!

Zimi - we all pick ones that are wrong/cant have/just bad but im sure the right one will b along very soon!!!

Annabubble and Han - good to hear you guys are having so much fun!! :D

Donna - oi will you spill the goss on james PLEASE!!!! :D:D congrats ;);)

Love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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