Ok that's it, no more Miss nice guy

Apr 02, 2006 20:24

The fucking junior college has FUCKING insulted me for the last time and I am not going to FUCKING take it lying down I'm so pissed off it's unbelieveable.

I amd the leader of Symphony Orchestra this year at college. The only one. Not a co-leader, not ONE of the leaders - I was told that I AM THE LEADER.

So when we get asked to play for the queen's birthday celebrations and recordings for BBC and they ASK THE LEADER OF SECONDS TO LEAD IT i'm sorry but it's bloody rude and insulting.

Not only that but the head of the junior college didn't even tell me himself - he left the orchestral manager to tell my MOTHER. It's so insulting - it's so fucking RUDE. I haven't been this pissed off since year nine when one of my supposed 'friends' stole my walkman and I haven't been this upset since Tom broke up with me - that should give you an idea of actually how badly I am taking this.

It might not sound like all that much and it might not sound like such a inslut but it has NEVRE happened to any leader at college before and I'm so pissed off because I give up LUNCHTIMESthat is one of my only 2 half an hour breaks in my 9 and a half hour day - to be a good leader and mark up music and sort of the fucking orchestra.

God I'm so pissed off RCM is supposed to be the one place I felt good, and this year was supopised to be MINE after Keira (leader of symphony last eyar) made my lfie hell for being so young and sitting at the front - this year was MINE to show her that I can do it and that I'm just as good as her.

Ah fuck.
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