Jan 12, 2006 21:54
so this week has been really really hectic. school work hasn't been bad, I have all second block everyday to work on it b/c i am a counselor's aide and we don't really do anything. we have had pageant practice everyday this week. i have figured out that even if I don't place i will probably recieve enough scholorship money to pay back what we have spent on the pageant this year. if I can manage to get in top eight or anything else then I will get hopefully enough to break even from last year and this year. i now have all my outfits and such, so any pageants that i do from here on out the money i recieve will go straight to college which is awesome.
musical tryouts started this week. after several mishaps and miscommunications i had come to the conclusion that I wasn't going to audition. so i didn't go to the reading section on tuesday. wed. morning mr. mac (the theater man) approached me and asked why I wasn't trying out and i told him "that i didn't think i would have time with everything that was going on right now. and that I wanted to help with cougarette tryouts, and i didn't want to come in the first year and ask out of practice." well he said not to worry about it and that he would work with me. he said he really needed more good dancers, and that I should come that afternoon and today. so i went yesterday, which was dance, so i did very well. but I still didn't have a song to sing for today. so i was talking to zac and he said "well just sing 'Doe a Deer' from 'The SOund of Music'" I was like okay...i guess. and he said i wouldn't even need sheet music i just had to tell the lady that i was singing that. so today, i got in and put my name down, and put it in spot 50. then i got to pageant practice and come back. when i come back i listen to like 5 people go, then he calls my name and I was like "Now!?! I though i was #50" he was like i just pick you by random. so i went up there and sang my little song. probably sucked it up really bad, but oh well, if he wants my dancing i guess he'll have to take my songing too....so that was a really long story with very little point....oh well.
i also learned my pageant dance yesterday (remember the pageant is a week from tomorrow), so i will def be working my butt off to get it looking good, b/c i def need talent if i want to place! i still don't have an outfit for my rountine yet. i am working on it though. i will have a good looking outfit for the pageant. i also printed off like 100 current event things from CBS.com and MSNC.com tonight. i will read those tomorrow during aide. hopefully i can nail my interview too...that would be awesome! i just have to remember not to use the word LIKE like 500 times...it is very difficult!
anyways this is enough of an update. wish me luck on the whole musical thing, and my dance! thank goodness for MLK day so that I have an extra day to pratice. everybody pray for one of the girls' families at church!!!! you may not know who, but just pray!