Jun 11, 2012 20:21
I believe my last entry was all about my oil water...well that seemed to resolve itself! Yea, go figure! Last test showed nothing...nada...zilch!! OK...SOOOOOOOOOOOO what was it?? It's a mystery! BUT, I know in my heart of hearts that there is someone in my household that knows SOMETHING!! No one is ratting on no one! Two negitives in one sentence...yup..that's the mood I'm in! :)
So it's a new week with still no concreat news on my new building except that I got a 'first draft' agreement from the owner of the building...who got it from his lawyer. Let me just say ~ IT STINKS! He now doesn't want 3% interest for rent-to-own terms...he wants $1,100.00 per month with less then HALF....$500....going toward the principal of $60,000 (minus the $1,000 I already gave him). All I have to say is he must think I'm crazy! PLUS...to add fuel to the fire...he only wants to give me $400 per apartment rented instead of the $500 to $550 that they are being rented for currently. I guess he wants a cut of the apartments in the building...that's nuts!Yes I want this building BAD!! Yes I have coffee-shop equipment on lay-away.....YES, I WILL EXPEND MY BUSINESS SOMEWHERE IN THIS LOCATION...but not at this expense! *sigh* so I feel it's back to the drawing board!
I'm writing notes all over the 'draft' contract to email him tonight with everything I won't agree to, but I don't have much hope that he will see things my way!
Problem son is back to using drugs again....but alas....I will not fret over it anymore like I used to....I simply called probation today and will let the chips fall as they may. Hopefully he will choose to get help before I have to bury yet another son! I will not ever let my life and my state of mind go back to what it was back then when I first found out about the heroin and numerous other drugs. Which leads me to my next thing....
My weight! I have officially lost 10% of my body weight when I started WW the end of March! I am excited....frustrated cause I want it all off yesterday....but it's working! I'm feeling GREAT physical wise! And mentally actually!
I am TOTALLY enjoying the pool this year and my porch is like my own little animal sanctuary! The ducks that problem son bought for the kids at Easter are growing beautiful and even though we continually walk them back down to the pond (about 1/4 mile away) they come back to the back porch every morning about 6:30 am. Of course, it doesn't help that I feed them up there at that time every day!! :) They are so stinkin' cute! I don't like the poop on my porch though, so they get chased from there every morning when they are done eating and jump up on the porch thinking they will get more food from me. There's the little bunny family that join the ducks and me in the morning...they gather up at Rufus' (Jacob's bunny) pen. More then likely eating the food that Rufus drops everyday along with his little bunny turds! :) We painted the porch this spring, but did not paint the underside of the roof because a 'couple' of birds are making their nest there in the rafter....so we let them be. I've watched this nest go from tiny to huge and they work every day to get it together before the big day of laying the eggs arrive. Watching them make this out of mud and hay has been awesome! Well this morning, she didn't leave the nest and 'he' never came in the nest. He literally looked like he was keeping watch from my potted flowers out by the pool (which btw also is now covered with bird poop) So apparently she is laying today...or has layed and is keeping them warm to hatch. Can't wait to see the lil' ones. Now to add more to this mix...yes there's more....Noni's boyfriend (which I won't EVEN get into right now) bought her a St. Bernard! YUP, St. Bernard....she is a year old and needed rescued from her living situation. We just lost our St. Bernard the beginning of the year, so he (the BF) knew we would probably accept another one...something not everyone would do I'd suspect. Supposedly she was not abused but not paid attention to...but I don't fully believe that 'cause she's very afraid. Well, she was last night...this morning she LOVES us...wants to be right beside us and gets so excited to see us. She's very pretty, she has much more black on her then Julie (former SB) had. So add her to my morning santuary of animals and now theres a bit of an issue! THEY ARE DUCKS>>>SHES A DOG! Now, St. B's arn't really killers by any stretch of the imagination...but they are, afterall, still a dog! They are rescuers by nature...but I'm pretty sure Bailey (the new SB) did not want to rescue the ducks this morning! I don't; however, think she wanted to kill either. Her tail was wagging and she was very excited to see 'play toys'!! :) Ya, well, I found out that she's had little to no training in the single word command line of 'STAY'. 'BAILEY STAY!!!!' (more emphises) worked a bit better, but not much....so now scream "BAILEY STAY SIT DAMMIT" actually worked. Then she looked at me with these sad eyes that said, 'ah oh, I'm in trouble'! She came back up on the porch and layed down while I continued my duck feeding and talking to them ~ yes, I talk to them. In fact, they only quack when they hear my voice! Isn't that a sweet attribute to me! lol So Bailey's good...ducks are fed and quacking around...birds nesting....bunnies visiting Rufus....I'm sitting quietly on my swing...the sun is peaking over the hill and become quite warm....and to my amazement a humming bird comes whizzing by!! I put that feeder out there a couple weeks ago...hadn't seen anything..but there is was this morning! Needless to say I had a glorious morning on my porch with my animal friends around me. Noni tells me I'm loosing it 'cause I'm enjoying such things these days instead of running around like a crazy woman in the morning. Well I still do that...but not until about 8 am! :)
So on with life. This is Ballet Recital week so it's practice EVERY night with recital on Friday night. The last kid-event of the school year except Jacob in the all-star play-offs in baseball that will start in a few weeks...but that will only be a couple more games then done for the summer! 40 more minutes and I can pick her up and head home. The good news about this week is that I always catch up with things like this and paper work from the shop 'cause I sit at a coffee shop every evening!
*toasting with my latte* to my families of animals and life in general....cheers!