mOoRe SurvEys

Apr 01, 2005 11:43

+ 001. name:Kimber

+ 002. nicknames:Kimber Lou

+ 003. sex:girl

+ 004. birthday:July 27

+ 005. age:14

+ 006. star sign:Leo

+ 007. place of birth:the hostpital was in Charlotte, NC BuT i was born in Indian Land, SC

+ 008. current residence: tHe BiG IL

+ 009. hair color: light brown w/ blonde highlights

+ 010. eye color: haZel

+ 011. height:5'4

+ 012. writing hand: boTh but iT loOks bEttEr wiTh my RiGht hAnD

Body Ills + Skills
+ 013. do you bite your nails?sOmeTimeS

+ 014. can you roll your tongue?whAt?

+ 015. do you have any habits?yEaH tOO manY to nAmE

+ 016. can you raise one eyebrow at a time?i DoN't reAlLy KnoW

+ 017. colored hair: YesSs..

+ 018. tatoos and where: nOpe...i Don'T do PaIn

+ 019. piercings and where: EarS

+ 020. do you make your bed daily?hAhA nO

+ 021. which shoe goes on first? I dOn'T reALLy kNow?

+ 022. speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone? yEsS..hAhA krIsTinA
+ 023. what jewelry do you where 24/7? mY eArRiNgs (whEn iM noT plaYin sPortS)

+ 024. how many cereals are in your cabinet? iDk. leT me Go cHecK..4

+ 025. what utensils do you use eating pizza? NoNe

+ 026. do you cook?yEsSs i Do

+ 027. how often do you do the dishes?A loT..:-/

+ 028. how often do you brush your teeth? wHen I'm poSed tO...duRrRr

+ 029. how often do you shower or bathe?everyday

+ 030. how long do these showers last? 20-45 mIn

+ 031. hair drying method: dePendS on WheRe i'M gOin

+ 032. do you swear? whAt?

+ 033. do you mumble to yourself? noPe..aT leAst I don'T thiNk sO

+ 034. do you spit in public? gRoSs nO

+ 035. person you talk most on the phone with? hMmM..MaLia or rAcheL

+ 036. what color is your bedroom?darK bLue and LighT bLue

+ 037. do you use an alarm clock? oN sChoOl daYs..bUt my dAddY stIll hoLLers to gEt uP
+ 038. name one thing and person you're obsessed with:uhmMm.nOthiN

+ 039. window seat or aisle: dePendS on iF i wAnnA taLk or if I wAnnA sLeeP

+ 040. whats your sleeping position: I sleep on my right side

+ 041. what kind of bed do you like?mine..??

+ 042. in hot weather do you use a blanket? no..I use a fan, even in cold weather..

+ 043. do you snore? nope

+ 044. do you sleep walk?nope

+ 045. do you talk in your sleep?i Don'T thiNk So

+ 046. do you sleep with a stuffed animal? SumTimEs...=)

+ 047. how about the light on?nOpe

+ 048. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on? Tv..bUt it Has tO be oFF iN the MiddLe of thE nigHT..2 worDs..SleeP tImEr ;)

When Was The Last Time You
+ 049. watched bambi? The PreViews The oTher day> bUt the moVie wHen i WaS LikE 5 i GueSS

+ 050. talked on the phone?RiTe Now>..

+ 051. read a book? uhmMm..I hAvE tO ReaD a BoOk for EngliSh..sO lIke 3 daYs

+ 052. punched someone?yEsTerdAy..miChAeL..BIGG miStAke

+ 053. where do you see yourself ten years from now?gEtTin oUttA cOlLeGE..LooKin foR a HuSbaND
+ 054. who are you gonna marry and where? Who knoWs

+ 055. how many kids do you want to have:nOne

+ 056. who are your best friends? rAcHeL & LiNDsey

+ 057. what friend do you hang out with the most?aLL of TheM

+ 058. what friend makes you smile the most?EVEryonE

+ 056. friend that you fight with the most?argUmentS-rAcheL..buT i StiLL lOVe her

+ 060. one you talk to on the computer the most?aLL of Them

+ 061. friend that you miss the most?LinDsEY..hAvent' seEn her in FORever

alright well this was just a little survey thing..i'll type more in a second of how my weekends supposed to go..
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