Apr 15, 2011 22:26
Brenden is definitely a 'dude'. Would die if someone referred to him as a girl. Enjoys sports and wearing the same Vikings jersey for days at a time between washings and doesn't refer to any girl as a "friend" in front of anyone other than me. Back in 1st grade he became friends with a girl named Allie in his class. Allie doesn't seem to be a girly girl, she is kind of one of the guys, which explains why they got along. Well now in 3rd grade things are a bit different. They still get along, but they aren't closer like they were in the years before.
About halfway through the school year I was hearing stories of this girl Taylor who is in 1st grade with Cassidy and Aiden. Apparently Taylor likes playing with Brenden during recess. Brenden, I am told, likes playing with her too. No problems. Today on the way home from school Brenden asks me....
Brenden: "Can Taylor come over to do homework after school at our place instead of her going to daycare?. I will help her with her homework and everything Mom."
Mom: Taylor? The 1st grader in C & A's class?
Brenden: Yeah, my friend Taylor.
Mom: Well Brenden that is nice that you are offering to help her with homework and all, but she can't come over here after school to do homework.
Brenden: Why? If she comes here her mom doesn't have to pay a daycare to watch her.
Mom: Yes but sometimes YOU are at daycare and I am not home until after work, so there will be no parent here.
Brenden: But Robert and Jordan are here and they are old enough to watch her.
Mom: Sorry dude, not happening.
Later while i was making supper, this conversation came up out of the blue....
Mom: Brenden, hand me that white bowl to put the mac & cheese in for your brother.
Brenden: Taylor was wearing this color today.
Mom: Taylor?
Brenden: Yeah my friend Taylor, she was wearing a white shirt and it was like the color of that bowl.
Mom: Oh, I see.
Brenden: Yeah she was wearing the white shirt and she had pants on. Not sure why she wasn't wearing shorts though.
Mom: Well, it was cold outside, maybe she didn't want to get cold.
Brenden: Maybe. I'll see what she is wearing on Monday.
Mom: Probably the same as always...the school uniform.
Brenden: I know that! But I will see if she is wearing shorts or pants. Or maybe a skirt.
Wonder what his buddies will be wearing....shorts? pants? a skirt??