As conducted by
scooterbird. This is a classic meme, and you know the drill: Leave a comment and I'll post 5 questions for you to answer.
So, here goes:
- In the movie Conan the Barbarian, when asked what was best in life, current Governator and Kennedy Republican Ah-nult Schwarzenegger replied in character, "To kill your enemies, drive zem before you, and
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If Vinnie & Sonny showed up, it would be Vinnie's idea, but Sonny would give me money & possibly good Italian food, but his attention would wander very quickly unless there was something really shiny going on. Starsky & Hutch were pretty good at comforting, but mostly comforting each other, so while they might show up, it wouldn't be for very long. Probably they'd bring food & guns. And maybe Starsky would let me drive his car.
But I think the best pairing to show up would be Harry & Cooper, because I think they're both patient & kind & would stay as long as I needed them to. I can picture them both being very snuggly & comforting, & cooking for me & taking care of things.
Yes, please, could I have some Cooper & Harry? I'd share!
2. Is there an eleven on this dial? I really need an eleven, because ten just isn't loud enough for my TRUE!!!
3. Delusional incompetents is the most succinct description. We've got people wanting to be on the board, or be the CEO* because they're looking for power and/or money.
It's a library! It's a freaking non-profit organizaion, so money? Not so much! And while we do possess a great power--determining what books to provide free to the public--it's not a personal power kind of thing! And where these freaks got the idea it was anything else just baffles me.
*Just the fact that we call our director a CEO shows how screwed up we are.
4. For me, cats. I like dogs, but I'm simpatico with cats; we speak the same language.
5. Love, no question. I've never seen the appeal of living forever, but loving forever? Definitely. (Hey, I didn't read Wuther Heights all those times for nothing. *g*)
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