Dec 02, 2006 21:03
I am in an okay mood right night.
1. I had a fun time last night seeing O.K. Go in concert because they are pretty amazing live and acoustic and it was free and my partner in crime is amazing, even when we almost died and had to deal with tall assholes who dont understand that short people don't have x-ray vision to see through them.
2. Classes are over, BUT finals start in a few days.
3. My apartment mates are driving me crazy more and more every day.
a) they leave the heater on 80 degrees every night, which dries up my skin and my throat, making me cough.
b) they left pamphlets from the health office on our dining room table that say things like "vaginal warts", "different types of contraceptives" and "how to tell if you have an STD"
c)they left a pregnancy test in our bathroom trash can, that just kinda frightens me a bit.
d)they are currently taking up all 4 burners on the stove, so i cannot make my dinner.
e) there are dishes piled up in the sink
f)they sex pamphlets have made their way to our fridge and are stuck there with magnets! (Seriously though, who does that? who puts that in a public place? especially the kitchen!!)
g)they were loud when i tried sleeping last night at 1:30 in the morning and when Kara and I are not even that loud at 11:00 PM they tell us to be quiet!
Ugh, whatever, in less than a week I will be home and far from these messy and space taking girls!
What a big complaint, but seriously, seriously . Kimberly does not like the girls she lives with, with the exception of Kara of course.
On a brighter note, I am listening to O.K. GO!
I just bought a cute top.
fa la la la la la la la.