Dec 22, 2004 21:21
wow, after many many hours of cleaning and moving furniture my room is like new. Totally different than before, and it seems bigger, even though there is more stuff in it now, the more stuff being the futon...but I like it, but when i went to lay down in my bed it felt kinda weird, not used to it yet, but it's pretty...
we took all marcy's things out of the drawers and closet, so now it is really MY room. I like that, but it kinda makes me sad, too. Oh well, I like my room, gonna buy some pretty things to decorate it and stuff.
smashed my finger in between my drums and dresser and it hurt really bad, bruised and blah, oh wells,its my middle finger, so an excuse to flick people off...haha...j/k...
I developed the wrong roll of film :(
milk tea is yummy :)