Blogging For Choice Day

Jan 22, 2007 22:47

Today has been busy with job-hunting and whatnot, but I still wanted to post today; it's the 34th anniversary of the landmark court decision known as Roe Vs. Wade, which said that a woman's constitutional rights to privacy and control over her individual body extended to her uterus as well.

I wanted to write an eloquent essay about why I'm pro-choice, but I simply didn't have the time... and in truth, there are a lot of people who are more eloquent about it than I am, and/or have done more research on many of the ramifications of pro-choice vs. pro-life policies as well.

Such as the good gentleman

flewellyn 's eloquent essay:

And the people at Feministe have loaded this article with links to a wealth of resources; more eloquent essays, as well as more historical and statistical data:

This is one of the articles linked in the first Feministe article that I don't want anyone to miss:

Y'all have heard me say this before, but I'll say it again: educate yourselves.  Education--real education that involves digging up facts, not just blindly accepting what one person or one institution says--is the key to improving the world we live in.

We must all educate ourselves, then educate others, on so many issues that go beyond the 3 R's taught in schools: global warming, racism, sexism, homosexuality, religious freedom vs. religious oppression and yes, reproductive rights.

We owe to our children and children's children to improve our world... or at least try to keep it from getting worse than it is now!  And yes, I am thinking of the many states like North Dakota and Mississippi that have been chipping steadily away at Roe vs. Wade.

pro-choice, feminism

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