So, there are Muslim cabbies in Minnesota refusing to carry customers if said customers have alcohol in their possession, citing religious reasons. It's done so frequently that they're seeking a religious exemption from the usual requirement for cabs that refuse customers to go to the back of the cab line, and wait that much longer for another chance at a paying fare.
And some people are getting very upset over this. Quoting from the newspaper article, "Government sanction of a two-tiered cab system would amount to an acknowledgement that Shari'a, or Islamic law, is relevant to a routine commercial transaction in the Twin Cities."
And yet, some of the people who protest this are fully supporting Christian pharmacists in their right to refuse to dispense contraceptive pills to women, based on the tenets of their religion. (Washington State’s regulatory board finally said they can’t get away with that, but a lot of other states have not.)
The irony is just dripping, isn’t it? Or is it the hypocrisy...