Oct 17, 2004 21:55
Leah called me n then i took a shower.. n then holly called me n told me to call leah back.. so i did. n then leah came over.. n we were sittin in my room for a while.. n then we were in my basement talkin online for a while.. n then we went to make somethin to eat.. n we had toquitos.. n chips.. n water.. n then we were eating them in my room n watchin tv.. n stuff.. n then we went back into my basement.. n leah gave me her blank cd.. so i burned her a cd.. n it got messed up.. so i let her use one of my cd's.. so she owes me a cd.. n then we were playing tag w/ my puppy.. n leah hopped over my couch n fell over a chair.. n smacked the ground.. lmao.. n then i was hopping over my couch from my puppy.. n i slipped n fell n i got stuck inbetween my couch n then wall..lmao. =) n then we went back in my room.. n we were playin the what if game n listenin to music.. n stuff.. n then i heard this pukin noise.. n i thought it was leah foolin around.. n it turned out that my puppy threw up on my bed. =/ ewwww. it was nasty.. but my mom cleaned it up. =).. n then mariya called me.. we were talkin for a little bit.. n then i told her i'd call her back when leah left.. n then me n leah went back downstairs.. n we had a fight w/ the yearbooks.. n we were all hittin eachother. Lol.. n then we went back on the computer.. n stuff.. n then we got a bag of chips. n we were watchin tv.. n talkin.. n then we ate almost all of the chips.. n then leahs mom came.. n then i called mariya back n we were talkin for the rest of the night. =)