Jul 18, 2014 17:03
Okay. So now the periodontist tells me that I urgently need two gum grafts, to the tune of $3200+.
Two more surgeries. Oral surgeries, this time. Let's have 4 surgeries on my head in the space of a couple months! Yay!
Is there any part of my body that isn't going to turn on me?
Will I ever go a month without half a dozen doctor appointments?
I kept tearing up on the way home, sometimes truly crying, and feeling like a complete idiot for doing so. But I'm just so tired of pre-op procedures, and post-op procedures, and surgical procedures, and doctors' fees, and doctors telling me how serious these health issues are and ... I just want a vacation from my body. That would be really cool. Where do I book something like that?
Oh, also, my digestion has been acting up quite considerably for days now. I think it started on Tuesday or Wednesday, and it continues today. I haven't even been eating egg. I've given my body no reason to turn on me in this way, and I'm feeling unfairly treated. My body has wronged me. Hey, body, start being nicer to me!
ETA: Oh, yeah, and my feet are still hurting like hell, despite my dedication to the podiatrist's recommended stretches. Or, rather, my right foot is hurting like hell. The left foot only hurts like maybe purgatory.
I hate my body. I really try not to say that, because it isn't my body's fault, but today I'm just going to say that let's be honest: I hate my body. Fuck it. I'm tired of it.
But at least I'm not having any hypochondriac fear. I can look at those two particular teeth and see "Yep. Those teeth have no gum tissue left on them." The periodontist explained and demonstrated in detail what the problems are. They are visible and undeniable. So at least I'm not imagining them.
fractious physique,