Art and Eyes

May 21, 2014 00:56

Tuesday's Total Tylenol+Codeine Usage
2 1/2 Tylenol #4 tablets

Today in the art room, we all got to talking about the upcoming swanky charity event to raise money for Bonita House, the larger non-profit organization of which CWC is a part. (The organization also runs some housing for people with disabilities & runs some other mental health-oriented programs.) This is an annual event to raise money for the organization.

A couple months ago, the director of Bonita House asked the head honchos of CWC if our members could provide some artwork to be auctioned off at the event, with proceeds going to the organization, of course. Many of us submitted stuff for the auction, and there was a big portfolio stuffed with stuff, along with many larger canvases. Bonita House sent over someone to go through the submissions & decide which works would actually be offered in the auction. Last week, Katy (the art teacher) told me that both of my submissions had been chosen. (Each artist could only submit 2 works for consideration, and I submitted my elephants collage and a collection of 4 winter-themed collaged postcards.)

Katy talked to Bonita House about the possibility of also hanging up some other works on the walls of the event, since so many had been submitted & so many were really good & might actually sell to raise even more money for the organization. They agreed, and so many more works will be hung on the walls with set price tags, completely separate from the auction.

So today Katy and Sarah (our art room intern) were frantically mounting pieces to be hung on the walls at the event & choosing prices for them. (I also have two more pieces that are going to hang on the walls: a decoupaged mask & a funky old collage I did in PHP in 2005. I told Katy she should put a $10 price on the old collage, because I have absolutely no attachment to it.)

Anyway, we got to talking about the event, and someone ended up asking Katy how many pieces were actually chosen for the auction, since they haven't really been telling us much.

It turns out that only 4 works were chosen for the auction ... so mine were half of the pieces they chose. I'm incredibly flattered. I guess mine were 2 of the pieces they considered most likely to sell & earn money for Bonita House. Wow!

And my second (and final-duh) cataract surgery is in less than 12 hours! Julia ended up suggesting that she just pick me up and drive me there, then hang out in the waiting room until they call her in to Recovery. This is really sweet of her, of course, and I accepted gratefully.

This time tomorrow, I'll be wearing another great big colander, and I'll be peering through the little holes to see what my binocular vision will be like. The doc says it may continue to fluctuate for up to a month, but by then we'll definitely know how I'll be seeing long-term. My vision will continue to change much more slowly over time as my body ages, of course, but this will be my relatively stable vision for the next several years.

So exciting!

And people like my art!

And soon I will most likely have really truly sold art to people who don't even know me! Wowza!

cataracts, collage, cwc, selling, being a professional artist, meds-tylenol, art, vision, bonita house, meds-codeine, surgery, clc, monovision

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