Mar 03, 2005 13:56
i feel like crap.
i've felt like crap for two days...and i keep waking up in the middle of the night and not able to get back to sleep.
i swear i have insomnia. wait. no.
there's a word for waking up and not being able to sleep again...but i don't think it's insomnia. is it?
anyway, stayin' with gran tomorrow night.
(psst daveykins, i need to give you that number so remind me to pleeease!)
i'm excited about saturday. YAY.
i love paintball tournies. picture time.
for once, those are going to include david. we've agreed to this :) i hope lol.
wow they make pink and white m&m's now, and part of the proceeds go to the breast cancer foundation.
go buy some. now. right now.
i have things to do...including my history review, but i don't feel like it.
oh. yeah. i had a weird conversation with colby last night.
it was nice 'cause he agreed with me and helped me see some things...
dunno if he meant what he said, but it was nice anyway i guess.
mine and david's religion conversation late last night was....interesting.
i don't think we've ever talked about religion
which is kinda strange b/c we've talked about everything else in the world practically.
sorry i guess that was random.
i'm out of it.
out in left field...
and on that note...i'm gone.