I don’t know if you know but for about 10 years, I had sinisterbeauty.com registered. I have hosting with Dreamhost and it was set to auto renew yearly (well all my other domains do). For some reason, it didn’t get renewed and I didn’t know. It was purchased by some dbag who is holding it ransom for $4,000. I don’t have that kind of money so I registered two new domains to replace it, sinisterbeauty.net and sinisterbeauty.org.
There are several other variations out there but for me, it’s kind of my baby. I have another domain, strangestangel.com which I haven’t updated in a few years. I would like to get back into my creativity soon, however, b/c I feel I’ve been “away” too long.
Once the DNS information is populated, the offer of course will always stand to Ashlie, Stephanie and Arianne. Once we have a layout uploaded, then females I know are welcome to email me about hosting. This would only be offered to women I actually a) know and b) have something they want to share like digital photography, an insightful blog, etc. I hope to make sinisterbeauty.org/.net what sinisterbeauty.com wasn’t (aka updated more frequently).
I’m excited! I’ll x-post on myspace.
- k
I also have a domain, satanasdivinorum.com. Should I reregister it or let it drop? It renews in three months.
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"The Misadventures of Kimby".