onborrowedwings asked about my project, so I thought I would post an update. Sorry I haven't been around much, a couple of things have happened in my real life, so livejournal and fandom have taken a (relative) backseat. My husband got laid off recently which digs into my insecurities about financial instability, so a little mopey there. And work has been more
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Its a hare skeleton to recall the title. A fluffy bunny would have been too cute, the skeleton adds a dimension of menace which supports the story's mood. The phrase "Running with the Hare and Hunting with the Hounds" means supporting both sides of a dispute, one of the themes of the smutfic is the duality of Sandor (i.e., the "Hare") and the Hound.
imagery of the bugs (crickets?)
The bugs are cicadas. In Greek mythology, cicadas were humans who loved to sing so much that the sang until they died from lack of food and drink. They gave up their humanity to dwell in pleasure and the gods turned them into cicadas (who are famous for their singing and their brief lives). Cicada lore is woven into this story as an explanation of the events as well as a symbol between gratification and duty.
the fae in her hair
These are Sansas, manifestations of her. The story is a smutfic about a dream, these are the dream Sansas, cavorting in intoxicated ecstasy (recalling the cicadas).
Thanks for your comment!
Did you get the bookmark btw? Onborrowedwings already got hers and she's in India.
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