Title: The Northman's Daughter/Every Dog Has His Day Character/Pairings: Sansa/Sandor Rating: M Chapter Word Count: 1400 Warnings: None Description: This story is a continuation of "The Northman's Daughter" from Sandor's POV
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This was one of the first Sansa/Sandor fics I read
Thank you for maintaining your interest after all this time!
I would also love to see their wedding, especially the reactions from her family because I liked the family dynamic you have in the fic. I will add this, though I plan to "keep it real" in terms of reactions. Not everybody can be One Big Weasley Family ala Harry Potter.
Thanks for commenting. I really appreciate it! Hope to see you around these fandom parts more often.
Thank you for maintaining your interest after all this time!
I would also love to see their wedding, especially the reactions from her family because I liked the family dynamic you have in the fic.
I will add this, though I plan to "keep it real" in terms of reactions. Not everybody can be One Big Weasley Family ala Harry Potter.
Thanks for commenting. I really appreciate it! Hope to see you around these fandom parts more often.
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