Today I went to Amoeba Music and I bought a used DVD copy of
The Works of Director Michel Gondry for quite cheap. Now...I adore his work in Eternal Sunshine, as I find it amazingly brilliant and imaginative. I also really want him to direct my Apollo script (whenever I get that done and ready)...I knew this before hand. I just sat down to watch his videos and shorts on the DVD and after just an hour of viewing, flipping, watching things with my jaw dropping in awe...I am giddy with respect for this Director man! :)
So here's the thing...
If you a) love music b) are creative or enjoy watching creative things c) are interested in directing, or d) just want to be visually wowed
then you MUST take a look at Gondry's DVD. Rent, buy, borrow, what you have to! Just watch it!