Building My Writing Cottage!

Dec 13, 2011 13:38

I'm in the midst of building my very own writing cottage! A dream I've had for years and years! Doesn't everybody though? Oh, to have a room of your own!

I've been hinting around for a long time that I would *love* a place of my own to write, and now with 5 books under contract to write, revise, and do all the editorial/production work on over the next 2-3 years I told my husband, "It's time!" I've been desperate for some quiet space ever since I've had a whole other family living with me the past few years and babies and toddlers in the house! It's crazy, I tell you, crazy!

My younger brother and his very cute family is here for the week doing the work (he and I designed it ourselves, just a simple room with a porch and lots of windows!) and I have pictures up on Facebook so go there to see the work progress over the rest of the week.

I also wrote captions! I love captions on FB pictures so I know who's in it and what the occasion is (hint, hint all you people who download pictures on FB!)

GO HERE TO BEGIN the Journey with Me!

And if you and I are not FB friends, then send me a request! I mean, why wouldn't we be FB friends, too!


(My brother and his son and the messy work area as we near completion two days ago! He built it in only 6 days! And the interior is completely done, flooring, crown molding and painted! A 12x16 room with 6 windows and a darling porch! I am so blessed to have such an awesome brother.)
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