Wednesday Wanderings

Dec 16, 2009 16:07

Tired. Frazzled. Pooped. Stressed. Panicked. Bleary-eyed. Broke. Late. Behind.

BUT! Darling Cynthia Leitich Smith posted my interview with her here! She's been running a series called CRAFT, CAREER & CHEER. So go find out my favorite writing book - and the story of three crazy writer girls, jumbo muffins, and upcoming goodies! Ten days ago I wrote THE END on the first draft of my current WIP - working title: THE TRAITEUR'S DAUGHTER - which my gorgeous editor has now suggested we change due to the fact that most people will not know what a "Traiteur" is. I agree so I wasn't surprised by her email. Titles are SO hard, but I'll find the perfect one. I will. I must! I'll ask my title whiz kid Jared. He named my last book, THE LAST SNAKE RUNNER, and it was a keeper. He has to earn his college fund somehow! The PROBLEM: I haven't touched said WIP in the last 10 days. Thus, panic is running rampant and time is running out FAST for revisions. But today I got actually got a few moments here:
And drank this: and got warm.
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