My head is spinning, my house is a disaster area and ready to be quarantined, Christmas is 17 days away and my head is still in early November. My mind is full and blank at the same time (how can that be?!? Weirdly, it's true, and I'll bet every mom/writer combo woman knows exactly what I'm talking about.)
Since I'm not sure my brain will spit out coherent words for a while, here is my last six weeks in pictures . . .
Road Trip to Louisiana with darling hubby! We got away from the kids and the house and mess and the babies (missed them dreadfully though!) and ran around like crazy and had SO MUCH FUN and didn't want to come home. It was like running away and yet a 5 year overdue vaca with my hubby and a research trip rolled into one.
I'm very good at multi-tasking.
Did you every doubt?
Highway 10 through 900 miles of Texas!
This is a very good likeness of us by the end of 1500 miles.
Cool gators on Lake Martin, Louisiana
Gorgeous hibiscus at Shadows-on-the Teche Mansion in New Iberia.
Back home and writing my first draft again of THE TRAITEUR'S DAUGHTER (Title to be changed now due to and editorial mini consultation via email. Something I suspected we would do so I am now on the "Great Title Hunt".
I was home for 7 writing days and managed to get from 43,000 words to 67,000 words. And unpack and repack and get ready to go again!
Off to Arizona for a full week of Book Trailer Production with music discussions and timing issues and personally creating more images for a trailer that needs very unusual pictures not found on istock or Getty. We managed to be very sneaky to get some of our shots - and not get caught! Or kicked out of a hospital and Hobby Lobby. . .
Then Turkey Day with both sides of the family and lots of back and forth and visiting and games and eating, eating, eating.
We ate about 17 pies that weekend! Personally, I think I managed two all by myself.
Back home to New Mexico again!
Back to drafting. My goal of Labor Day is long gone. My goal of Halloween, pfft. My goal of Thanksgiving lost in the dust. Why is this book taking SO long to draft? I'm now past my original estimation of 60,000 words. We're in the 70's and nearing 80. I must be really good at blah, blah, blah.
This is where I got to in the dark tunnel of drafting, drafting and wondering if I'll ever be done with this book.
A light! Is it true? Dare I hope? Dare I dream? Am I on the last chapter??? Really???
Official announcement: I wrote THE END at 9:15 p.m. Saturday, December 5, 2009.
Word count clocked in at 77,706 words and 286 manuscript pages. I DID IT!
Today I do laundry, figure out my Christmas List, finish reading somebody ELSE'S novel, and start revisions!
Maybe I'll get in one of these:
La, La, La, La!!!!