May 15, 2003 22:30
I suppose my LJ would be a lot more exciting to read if I ranted about how I got robbed, how the two remaining contestants are so full of themselves that I'm glad I don't have to live with them for another week, and how America needs to clean out their ears.
But I don't think any of those things are true. Sorry. Okay, yeah, I could've done without Simon's little jab that I shouldn't have even been there this week but... *shrug*
I am VERY glad to have made it to this level, and that the voting was so close. Ruben and Clay truly are my best friends -- we were all in Group 2, are all Southerners, have several years of college, similar religious faith... and we all can "sang" and NONE of us fits the Hollywood image of an Idol :>
I don't mind being beaten in a fair, close contest like this. These guys (more boringness, I know, but hey, it's my journal!) are the most marvelous, just plain NICE people you'd ever want to meet. Sure they aren't perfect, but, like Kelly, they are great role models; normal people who try to do good, bring joy to others, etc. They are the kind of people who, if I had to lose (tho being 3rd hardly seems like losing!), are the people I would want to lose to.
My best wishes for luck and great performances to both of you. I hope you both get the EXACT same number of votes so you'll have to be co-Idols ;)