May 07, 2014 04:32
This rotation officially ends in 2 hours. OB/gyn was clearly the best rotation I've had, despite having worked longish hours. Here's what helped make this rotation awesome:
(1) I love babies
(2) Being nice was rewarded and appreciated, both by patients and staff. I really like the staff at Maimo, and they appreciated that I went out of my way to try to make the work flow easier in every way I could
(3) I got a lot better at surgeries and leveled up a bunch at knots and sutures and basically understanding the whys in a C-section
(4) I got lunch breaks. It's so exhausting to work in internal medicine for 70 hour weeks where you don't get a freaking break *ever* -- here, if you needed the chance to breathe, you could take it.
(5) I learned a lot by doing and seeing -- basically every ob/gyn diagnosis under the sun seems to have passed through here.
I've spent the past few weeks stuffing my brain and working my arse off, and curling up with Max and squeezing in time with Sheridan (in between her Step 1 studying). It's felt amazing-- every day is a day I know what I have to do, and several days are days I wake up stunned to feel this light and happy.
I woke up next to Max this morning, after I crawled into bed post-night shift with him, and even though it was a Kim-vents-anxieties conversation, he was so remarkably calming and reassuring ("I trust that we'll work through it") that I actually woke up confused as to why I was ever worried about anything.
Do you remember how it felt to wake up to the very first time it snowed, and the windows were all frosted? The way the world looked, all etched and clear and fragile and beautiful in a new white coat? I'm older now and it's all a bit cynical, but I remember being little and waking up with that sense of awe and joy, and that is how Max makes me feel. That's not always a comfortable emotion, but it does imbue the world with wonder.
For now, it's time to burrow down and keep chugging through this studying.