Just 'Cuz It Looked Fun

Mar 24, 2007 22:39

Found this meme on a friend's page, and thought I'd fill it out, because I love these type of "ooh ... fun, interesting, personal questions" things. You can fill it out in the comments, too, if you'd like... ('cuz I like to learn about other people as well...)

1. Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or 90s?
Really a young child (up to 9 y/o) of the 80s, and then into the 90s. Heck, I'm still a "child" mentally...

2. Where were you born?
St. Boniface Gen Hospital, here in the 'Peg. Not sure which floor, but wherever they were delivering babies in those days. I was supposed to be born in July, but I was late and came in August instead. I still run on my own schedule...

3. What kind of home did you grow up in?
A big one, that was grey with a black mailbox, and trees outside, and a swingset in the backyard ... oh, do you mean what *kind* of home, as it happy/depressing/angry? Well, in that case ... I guess an okay home. Not overly happy, but alright. My brother and I were either hating each other's guts, and trying to kill one and other, or else we were conspiring to do something bad like light fires in the backyard shed or something.

4. Did you enjoy your childhood?
I think I did. I mean, I have a lot of good memories, and some great pictures to look at and *think* I remember what it was like. The best fun I remember having was during the summer, when my family would head up to "the lake" - which was really a trailer we had on the edge of the Winnipeg River. What made it so much fun was that my mom's siblings and their families also went up, so I always had kids to play with, and do bad things like send frogs "out to sea" on paper boats, and play Cops and Robbers in the bushes, and explode pop and booze bottles at the campfire. For me, those weeks were what being a kid was all about.

5. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A veterinarian. I've always loved animals (more than people, even!), and wanted to help heal them. But when I was 10 years old, our dog died and I remember being so distraught that I wanted to die too. I didn't think that pain would ever go away. It was around that same time that my Grandma (whom I dearly loved, despite her ways...) pointed out to me that if I hoped to become a vet, I would have to deal with animals dying every single day. This completely destroyed *that* dream. I also bounced between wanting to be a cop, teacher, and Mountie at any given point.

6. What do you want to be now?
A doctor. Kidding, kidding. I have no idea. I would still *love* to work with ill kids in the hospital, but more on a counselling level than medical. But that requires more schooling, which requires more money - and it probably won't ever happen.

7. What was your first best friend's name?
First one? I think probably Ashleigh Erlingson, because she lived down the street from me, and our moms were friends. So she became my "best convenience friend".

8. Is she still your friend?
Eh ... no. We went our separate ways in grade school, and though I still see her sometimes - we're not really friends.

9. Can you name all the schools you ever attended?
Oh yes ... there've only been 4. Wayoata Elementary, Arthur Day JUNIOR HIGH (it's now called a "Middle School", whatever THAT is), Murdoch MacKay Collegiate, and TCI. Oh, and I guess the University of WInnipeg and Red River College - so that makes a grand total of 6. *And* if you count my once-a-week class at Winnipeg Technical College now ... that makes 7.

10. Were you closer to your mom or dad as a kid?
As a really little kid - my dad. I was his tomboy daughter, the one who wanted to be just like him, and idolized everything he did. That lasted up until I was old enough to realize how strict and sometimes mean he could be. Then I wasn't close to either parent.

11. What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?
First one, eh? I'd *so* have to say either Ace of Base or Veruca Salt. I think I was probably in junior high, so I'd have been about 13 or 14. I also remember getting a Madonna tape as a "prize" for something around that time.

12. How old is a good age to have kids?
For me personally? Whenever I've saved up enough money to either adopt or visit my local "bank". Which, sadly, might be never - at this pace...

13. Are you scared of anything?
Not scared. No. I'm not scared of anything. What are you talking about? What have you heard?!? I will say clowns are creepy, and balloons spaz me out...

14. What was your favourite class in elementary school?
You expect me to remember elementary school? Seriously? Okay ... um ... gym? Does that count!? It's the only class I really remember, because we'd have "free gym" type classes, where we'd just get to use whatever equipment we wanted, and I remember those awesome little yellow scooters. Also, cross country skiing in the schoolyard, and using the trampoline and the climbing structure? Oh, how could you *not* love elementary gym class??

15. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?
Buy? Buy?? Oh no ... always brought my own. I even made it when I was older. I remember in elementary school, asking my mom to write little notes to me in my lunches, because my best friend's mom did that. Those were cool ... my mom would write notes like "enjoy your gym club run, and be on the look out for any Basett Hounds". Fun times...

16. Broken any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?
Freaky accidents? I don't know what that means. Who have you been talking to?!? Okay ... I fractured my wrist figure skating, and that really sucked. That was it, though.

17. Were you a mean kid?
Oh, I hope not. I think I was generally nice to everybody ... unless they weren't nice to me, or if they made fun of my brother, I probably would have kicked their ass. I had a serious temper, so ... if someone made me mad ... I might have been mean. On occasion...

18. Favourite board game of all time?
Board game, eh? Well, I do like a good game of Trivial Pursuit ... it makes me feel smart (even though I'm not). As a kid - I really liked Hungry, Hungry Hippos and Snakes & Ladders. As an adult, I played Life for the first time and was hooked on that one...

19. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?
Oh, I'm sure I played house. Being a super hero ... erm ... don't recall doing that, but since I grew up with boys, I'm sure I did once or twice. Or maybe I was forced to be the screaming victim - though I'm sure I'd have thrown a temper tantrum about, and been allowed to be a hero once or twice.

20. Seriously, are you still just a kid at heart?

meme, childhood

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